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Embarrassing then you go I don t want to see you again okay I ll leave there s nothing to miss here su ruoxing thought about it no matter how qiao zhanchen develops in the future qian qinyin is the children s grandma she.

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Today qiao zhanchen waved his hand his voice was low revealing a hint of weakness I need to recite the pure heart mantra su ruoxing suppressed a smile and raised the silver needle in her hand professor qiao making people.

Become pure and celibate is my strength do you want a few injections I m afraid I m too celibate so I need to see an andrology department m qiao zhanchen caught su ruoxing s hand while she was gloating about her misfortune.

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Mean you are with me thinking of someone else you were like this four years ago and you are still like this four years later I just want to confess to you that I like a man called the lord he wears a golden mask and is as.

Gone into a rage su ruoxing who is he you actually use me as his substitute su ruoxing frowned his eyes swept from left to right and then from right to left on qiao zhanchen s handsome face no matter how you looked at it he.

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Moreover the wedding is coming soon well if they are playing outside so ostentatiously if they are bumped into by relatives of the su family the wedding may not go smoothly if right and wrong come out su ruoxing also.

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Last night was the first time her mother in law and daughter in law met therefore she thought that this morning su ruoxing should obediently wait for her to wake up and then offer her tea respectfully su ruoxing didn t.

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Relationship is confirmed don t tell me I your relationship has not been confirmed yet the bodyguards told me that you have been together since then they have not been separated now that they are all together the.

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Human relationships of the qiao family but she still had patience and followed lu yaning to a hotel room mrs qiao we are late for the meeting and the lord is already very unhappy so you should make a quick decision and talk.

Hypocritical expression thank you then there s lao ruoxing let us go to the meeting quickly lest the lord be angry and deny us the antidote su ruoxing s heart skipped a beat will the antidote be distributed today the.

Antidote is poison the more he eats the deeper the poison becomes let him they are increasingly unable to extricate themselves sure enough when he arrived at the meeting site su ruoxing found that everyone present was.

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Changed my lord has a lot of connections black and white are both good otherwise how could he be so arrogant and openly use poison to control us who is so bold as to attack him qiao zhanchen squinted xuanhan s black eyes.

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Time so that I won t let you be a mistress all the time qiao zhanchen wiping a handful of tea leaves on his face he pursed his thin lips in a dangerous arc professor su you are not young anymore your behavior is so.

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Come start right away su junde asked someone to bring the groom s mandarin jacket and asked qiao zhanchen to put it on qiao zhanchen looked at su ruoxing su ruoxing tell me do you want me to marry you like this su ruoxing.

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Possibilities of marrying the master m dad qiao zhanchen s blood opened the stone gate it was because everyone had a purpose common see it s absolutely true as for the other eye of the stone lion none of us saw whose blood.

It was dripping with words are unfounded seeing is believing therefore I would rather marry qiao zhanchen su junde and several high prestige old people all agreed with su ruoxing s statement then complete the wedding.

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A sinister voice came I heard that someone is pretending to be me immediately afterwards a tall figure with an extraordinary bearing was surrounded by several subordinates and walked towards him everyone was stunned.

Immediately why is there another one wearing a golden mask master su ruoxing s show his eyebrows were furrowed tightly this master under the golden mask has cold eyes thin lips and tight jaw his figure is almost exactly the.

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Four years you have given birth to three babies with me su ruoxing originally thought that qiao zhanchen had partial amnesia and just forgot about her while everyone else still remembered her so she was quite angry at qiao.

Life thinking of this su ruoxing s mood suddenly brightened she looked at her father and asked with her eyes if she could tell qiao zhanchen the truth about the three children after all now she and joe are fighting chen is.

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