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Opportunity to turn around and grabbed the man s pulse again pulse puchi qiao zhanchen you are just stubborn look at how fast your heartbeat is now it has become tachycardia I haven t been sleeping well recently and my.

After a century qiao zhanchen s thin lips opened slightly as if he couldn t wait to meet her su ruoxing felt a burst of pride in his heart dare he say he didn t have feelings for her her little hand touched her again he went.

To take qiao zhanchen s pulse but suddenly there was a soft warmth in her palm god she accidentally pressed it where she shouldn t have touched it su ruoxing s expression paused and she suddenly pushed qiao zhanchen away he.

T be smart since professor qiao really doesn t have feelings for me I shouldn t force it I agree to a divorce qiao zhanchen wiped his lips with his calloused fingertips saw a ghost so scared it s a ghost su ruoxing.

Frantically arranged her clothes her embarrassment turned into embarrassment you don t like me it s too early to say for the first time in my life I realized how ridiculous and sad it is that my husband has no feelings for.

Stunned by the beating and she covered her face for a while before she could speak su ruoxing if you hit me aren t you afraid that brother zhanchen will settle accounts with you I m afraid I m afraid of death what face.

Does he have to settle accounts with me kind of let him come su ruoxing said then suddenly raised her foot and stepped heavily on qiao chixuan s instep don t think you re pregnant I ll let you go I ll never show mercy when.

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Chen promised to marry me immediately after divorcing you when the time comes I will be the first to send you an invitation however if you feel shameless to come I won t force you after all how many people are willing to.

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Face deliberately if she is beaten she will be scratched by the ring in many places leaving scars and eventually disfigured su ruoxing did not expect qiao chixuan to be so cruel and want to ruin her face but she was held.

Professor su knew that there were witnesses here but everyone saw it just now you hit me as she said that qiao chixuan suddenly said ouch and covered her lower abdomen baby mommy was beaten and her stomach hurts baby.

Please don t let anything happen to you qiao chixuan wailed while covering her belly pretending to be indifferent unexpectedly he suddenly slapped su ruoxing on the face a chill shot up in the soles of su ruoxing s feet.

You will be beaten so what if you are disfigured anyway no matter how beautiful she is qiao zhanchen has already abandoned her I don t know if it was the reason for closing her eyes but the tears that su ruoxing had been.

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And raised his hand to help her wipe away the tears why are you crying are you scared by xuanxuan no su ruoxing stubbornly blocked qiao zhanchen s hand wiping away the cowardly tears by himself I m afraid of being.

Disfigured and it will be difficult to get married again qiao zhanchen s thin lips were tightly pursed into a cold straight line su ruoxing marriage is difficult haven t divorced yet you want to remarry can t you my.

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Madam who are you don t know me then let you get to know each other foxy I m zhang tulei s girlfriend as soon as the woman finished speaking she suddenly slapped her face there was a crisp pop sound the incident happened.

Suddenly by the time qiao zhanchen and the bodyguards reacted at that moment su ruoxing received a firm slap on the face I don t know zhang tulei why did you hit me what kind of vixen su ruoxing was so confused that she.

Didn t know how to fight back su ruoxing are you okay qiao zhanchen couldn t calm down this time he stroked su ruoxing s swollen face with his big palm as if this slap hit his own face same he hurriedly shouted to the.

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Be her emotional counselor one thousand yuan at a time this money it s easy to make money why don t I make money su ruoxing held her forehead zhang tulei what are you still saying can t you see my husband is standing.

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Is he will never leave su ruoxing gave him a big eye roll he said he left home and I suddenly became a billionaire it was too late to set off firecrackers to celebrate the divorce why didn t we divorce a billionaire zhang.

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Chip which was eventually scrapped su xinglie and lu chengji were dumbfounded when they looked at the simulated person who was almost identical to qiao zhanchen this is obviously professor qiao himself how can he fake they.

Research co ltd now authorizes su ruoxing to try out the fifth generation intelligent biological simulator the portrait rights and technical patents of the simulator belong to the company the company is not allowed to imitate.

Or occupy lu chengji paused as if realizing something professor su this authorization letter means that professor qiao s impersonator can only be used temporarily by you and no one else can use it don t want I su ruoxing.

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Be good the ground is wet heavy and bad for health who allowed you to hug me su ruoxing was suddenly held high by the simulator and her feet were off the ground she suddenly felt insecure in order to stabilize her body she.

Awkward and with the strength of alcohol she yelled again put me down scumbag full of pampering he only he held the woman s hips with his hand freeing up his other hand to wipe away the tears hanging from the corners of.

Despise me why don t you let me go good boy I will never despise you the emulator said lowering its handsome face and leaning in front of su ruoxing a smile appeared on the corner of his lips I have the kissing function.

Specially developed an artificial intelligence with a kissing function to accompany me then why doesn t he change your face doesn t he know that I m already tired of seeing his face like he s tired of looking at me the.

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Lungs were filled with a refreshing and familiar masculine scent the heartbeat suddenly missed a beat uncontrollably suddenly as if a breeze passed through her chaotic mind she inexplicably became a little clearer su ruoxing.

She was dealing with the simulated person she didn t give him any dignity and drove him away neatly why did she look like a different person to qiao zhanchen in the blink of an eye su xinglie and lu chengji he watched.

Seems that professor qiao is tough in fact professor qiao bowed his head lu chengji took su xinglie back to sleep but turned around and dialed qiao chixuan s the phone call qiao spectrum cbd gummies for ed gummy cbd pure hemp zhanchen carried the sleepy su ruoxing to the.

Bathroom su ruoxing let s take a shower before going to bed we smell like alcohol okay su ruoxing rubbed her blurred eyes and the figures in front of her were shaking qiao zhanchen s figure seemed specious was it because.

She missed him so much that she dreamed about qiao zhanchen or the simulator has become a spirit why does she feel this way now is qiao zhanchen real the man s fingertips neatly pulled apart her clothes and his calloused.

Bath water and tested the temperature himself his tone became the doting tone of the simulator again good boy come in su ruoxing said could it be that the simulator updated the program becoming more like qiao zhanchen as.

Soon as she entered the bath chi the whole body was wrapped in warmth the hot water was like a pair of gentle hands causing the fatigue and grievances in her body and mind to quickly disintegrate and dissipate before long.

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Instructions qiao zhanchen had no choice but to hold the woman s little head and rock it back and forth then pat her on the back of the head forcing her to spit out the mouthwash he brought another towel washed su ruoxing s.

Face and dried the water on her body stains and finally carried her to bed su ruoxing don t sleep yet sleeping with wet hair is not good for your health qiao zhanchen said and went to find a hair dryer when he turned around.

Was also warm sleep more comfortably little confused look up qiao zhanchen was patient holding the woman s head in one hand and holding the hair dryer in the other blowing it for more than ten minutes and finally.

To let him go she turned over and groped with her little hands on the bed it s empty sure enough it was just a dream not long after the bed collapsed to one side go and then the hormonal smell of a man mixed with the.

Fragrance of a bath filled the room su ruoxing unconsciously tightened her fingers he came out again is this dream endless she turned over again and rolled into the man s familiar arms her calves resting on his lap as a.

She was drunk last night or because she dreamed about qiao zhanchen she slept very comfortably and sweetly that night without any sequelae of a broken love recalling the dream that was a bit too real last night su ruoxing.

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Simulation wait a minute when did I put on my pajamas good boy I came early in the morning and came specially to take photos I m here to help you get up the simulated man walked to the bed leaned over and hugged the.

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Drive me away if you don t want me I m worthless the worthless waste will be scrapped ahead of time the simulated man said picked up the toothbrush filled with toothpaste and gently brushed the woman s teeth you mean if.

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Promise me that you can t cross the line hey I ll listen to you the emulator said and took off su ruoxing s pajamas su ruoxing frowned suddenly this pajama is not hers of she hasn t seen it su ruoxing opened the closet and.

Personal belongings in the villa and the cloakroom was also empty how could her cloakroom be full of luxurious clothes in the blink of an eye light herm s lv etc there are dozens of big name bags take out whatever you want.

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Signed it and my lawyer will be coming to you right away immediately su ruoxing looked at the time and it was only past seven in the morning I don t believe it which lawyer is open so early okay she hung up the phone with.

Didn t show any ripples it seemed that to him she was just an unsuitable outsider su ruoxing saw the simulator curling her lips seeing her as if dumbfounded her expression flashed a little unnaturally does my aggressive.

Even if you are fierce you are still cute su ruoxing this is probably true love affection beauty is seen in human eyes and only artificial intelligence can do it she couldn t help but raise her hand and pinch the handsome.

Choosing like never before so many clothes which one should I wear su ruoxing tried on several clothes the clothes felt bad and they couldn t express her mood at the moment at this time qiao zhanchen called su ruoxing.

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Sign an agreement and use aggressive methods well I will fulfill your wish and turn you into a poor professor with nothing then you go quickly su ruoxing never expected that qiao zhanchen was much more anxious than her in.

Respectfully handed over the agreement professor su this agreement has been prepared for a few days and professor qiao has also signed it as long as professor su himself signs and presses the red thumbprint the agreement.

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Agreement she remembered that qiao zhanchen said a few days ago that he was liquidating all the assets and would transfer the assets to her name and let her take care of them what he urged her to sign was the asset transfer.

The the asset transfer matter is settled su ruoxing didn t understand why didn t the division of assets be directly written into the divorce agreement instead of signing the agreement separately she opened the agreement and.

Numbers presented in front of her she even had I can t count how many zeros there are he really wants to give me so much yes it s absolutely true professor su I still have several meetings in the morning can you sign it.

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And finally managed to get through but was rejected by the other party on the other side in an abandoned factory building in the suburbs lu chengji s hands were tied and a sharp dagger was pressed against the carotid artery.

Zhan chen I will find a way to get rid of him at this moment lu ya ning called xuanxuan it s not good I got news from the law firm that all of chenchen s assets have been given to su ruoxing what don t you become a pauper.

Xuanxuan now that they have signed the agreement it s too late to say anything or find a way to get her to spit out the money again mom what can you do for her the three children are more important than money child qiao.

To escape at all xuanxuan chenchen why did he find an andrologist to examine him early in the morning today what disease did he have brother zhan chen is going to the andrology department I don t know he never mentioned it.

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Chixuan got into the car lu chengji really died but she was not happy at all at this moment lu chengji s mother called miss qiao I beg you chengji s younger brother and sister are both turning 20 this year they are not.

As good at school as chengji and they didn t pass the college entrance examination it s joe s qian jin arrange an errand for them in the company it will be no problem right wait for me to inform them that it will be.

Difficult for them to join our company without academic qualifications I will think of a way qiao chixuan answered with patience when she imprisoned lu chengji she told lu s mother and family that lu chengji had died in a.

The fact that lu chengji was really dead she wouldn t want to have anything to do with mother lu and his family miss qiao we re relying on you I want to visit chengji s cemetery today hey chengji s life is really hard after.

Her ears and qiao chixuan straightened he hung up the phone damn old woman I m so annoying you killed lu chengji it s none of my business at this moment su ruoxing called again and this time qiao chixuan finally.

Answered she vented all her anger on su ruoxing su ruoxing what face do you have to take away brother zhanchen s money qiao chixuan I don t want to mention qiao zhanchen su ruoxing called qiao chixuan because of lu chengji.

Where is lu chengji qiao chixuan calmed down and pretended not to know anything su ruoxing are you crazy didn t lu chengji die in a car accident a long time ago you deliberately stabbed me in my heart knife qiao chixuan.

Single word lu chengji is still alive and with you alright su ruoxing you are amazing you just broke up with brother zhan chen and immediately turned around to find lu chengji as a backup qiao chixuan you are such a.

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To be able to afford it and let it go brother zhan chen already belongs to me so you can find your spare tire with peace of mind ha qiao chixuan I m not your mother let alone your sponsor you don t need to report to me.

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This I told chenchen and chenchen said he would go to the kindergarten right away ruoxing please go there quickly other children have parents you can t it is a single parent family to let your children be laughed at by.

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The air little xingxing you see su xinglie is jealous that you treat me well xiao chenchen said and suddenly leaned over and picked up su ruoxing xiao xingxing I will be the driver don t su xinglie he is also a man it.

Is not safe xiao chenchen successfully picked up su ruoxing and raised her lips to su xinglie proudly look xiaoxing only accepts me as a man and you other men everyone stood aside su xinglie put his hands on his chest.

A long time ago a few seconds later su xinglie used the last cruel words came to xiao chenchen are you sure you are a man xiao chenchen suddenly became less confident why not the master is a man and I am a man I don t.

Know why when it came to the question of men su ruoxing suddenly thought that he touched qiao zhanchen twice and found that he didn t respond to her at all maybe she wasn t feminine enough maybe when a man got too familiar.

Charming smile appeared from su ruoxing little xingxing I will wait for you to come back at home what do you want for dinner I will cook for myself su ruoxing looked at xiao chenchen s handsome face against the light i.

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With anger she hated the man s unwavering indifference towards her the car was parked near the hospital su ruoxing sat in the back seat and did not get out of the car I ll call professor qiao and ask him to come out she was.

About to dial professor qiao when zhan chen called he saw several familiar figures wandering at the entrance of the hospital looking listless isn t this qiao zhanchen s personal bodyguard they have followed qiao zhanchen for.

Many years and tried their best to protect him they don t look right at this moment a familiar and heroic figure stepped out of the hospital door master we don t want to leave several bodyguards gathered together shuashua.

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Just call me professor su from now on your salary system remains unchanged just ask me for whatever you want and all vehicles will remain in use the leading bodyguard asked professor su we should protect the young master.

Next right before I find a second husband you are responsible for protecting professor qiao and my three children after I remarry you two more of us will come out to protect my second husband do you have any questions su.

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Accept this reality everything is up to professor su but we must not be separated from professor qiao okay I don t know I thought you had some special relationship seeing their serious expressions su ruoxing deliberately.

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A call from his assistant he feiyu young master some banks heard the news from somewhere knowing that the young master has lost all his assets and they called us one after another to ask us to repay the loan let s ask the.

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Be your real ex wife so that professor qiao will not have to bear the burden of another life bigamy what excuses are you looking for after all you can t wait to get divorced qiao zhanchen raised his hand and pinched the.

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Forehead just now he wanted to praise the imitation xiao chenchen s high execution ability but where did xiao chenchen come to persuade the fight is he here to be a shit stirrer su xinglie couldn t help but worry even more.

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Going on why did the teacher say you are they fighting with children mommy won t believe it you guys will bully the kids dabao is the eldest among the three brothers and sisters dabao has always been the one who gives.

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Around and was about to greet dabao and the others when he looked back he found qiao zhanchen walking over with little xingchen in his arms seeing qiao zhanchen s prosperous beauty the beauty the eyes of the female teacher.

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But you are not only afraid to confront your husband you are so cowardly as a mother can you really protect your children the girl s mother was not to be outdone with tears in her eyes which man wouldn t steal it do you.

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Not blind little xingchen said and asked qiao zhanchen seriously is that right daddy yes what xiao xingchen said is right daddy loves mommy to the bone marrow qiao zhanchen stretched out his long arms and hugged su.

Say anything her brain in the sea a flash of inspiration occurred that s right she is now a billionaire woman with endless money to spend so su ruoxing stood on tiptoes and leaned into the man s ear lowered her voice and.

Threatened qiao zhanchen I want to support you the price is whatever you want but if you dare to say no I will let the children know the truth about our divorce now qiao zhanchen hugged the woman s slender waist his arms.

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Erbao has high martial arts skills he will definitely protect dabao but dabao and erbao won t go to play by themselves without saying hello they suddenly disappeared could it be someone kidnapping them qiao zhanchen also.

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Su ruoxing regained her composure now and was about to say she was feeling better when qiao zhanchen s big palm covered her soft heart the warmth from the man s palm made su ruoxing s muscles tense up and her heartbeat lost.

Fell on qiao zhanchen s handsome face his facial features and skin are still as delicate as ever and he is almost twenty nine years old and he is about to be in his third year his crimson thin lips were pursed tightly his.

And delicate skin and the curvaceous curves were immediately exposed in front of the man but even so su ruoxing was disappointed to find that there was no wave in qiao zhanchen s deep black eyes at this moment she was.

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