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Nothing about all this seeing qian qinyin bullying others she burst into tears feeling speechless zhixi coaxed qian qinyin with kind words as if she was coaxing her young daughter su ruoxing simply doubted life I have.

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Professor he professor I don t know why his memory was getting clearer and clearer but only for su ruoxing it was as if his memory of nearly four years had been erased by an eraser but it would be hard for anyone to.

Believe that amnesia can still be point to point which is unheard of it s hard to explain so don t explain professor qiao doesn t need to waste his brain cells to lie to me professor qiao pays attention to rest and doesn t.

Disturb me su ruoxing said and hung up the phone unceremoniously she really didn t understand why qiao zhanchen pretended to have amnesia and just didn t remember her qian qinyin was about to go back to her room angrily but.

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Ruoxing followed the team of experts to consult with qiao zhanchen again this time all the relatives of the qiao family gathered at the door of the ward looking anxious qiao zhanchen announced yesterday that he would.

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She suddenly burst into laughter professor qiao you are going too far in pretending to have amnesia we just did it the day before yesterday yes where does the saying that it takes too long come from qiao zhanchen s eyebrows.

Raised slightly she seems to have changed a lot and has become so open minded in his memory they only did it once four years ago that time although he was raped he made a show and was so horny that he couldn t control his.

As a piece of wood on that occasion he deeply realized the sadness of wishful thinking four years have passed and he estimates that su ruoxing hasn t made much progress in her relationship with him he asked her to postpone.

Can t tell that you re in love now said her the little hand grabbed it firmly and firmly qiao zhanchen snorted his blood boiling he turned his handsome face and moved his thin lips towards su ruoxing s red lips su ruoxing.

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Little foot and walking slowly from his lap very seductively all the cells in qiao zhanchen s body suddenly seemed to have been given accelerant all fly he bit the woman s earlobe and the warm and masculine breath entered.

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The so called man seeing that the woman hurt the big master without mercy the haze in qiao zhanchen s heart quickly dissipated su ruoxing don t make such useless jokes in the future qiao zhanchen said stretching out his.

Phone and took a look the nickname of the person on the call was actually noted as retribution by su ruoxing looks like an enemy at first glance the opponent s nickname qiao zhanchen stopped being jealous immediately and.

Generously made room for su ruoxing professor su please su ruoxing came to the door of the ward as he wished and answered the master s phone the master sounded very angry su ruoxing you are late for the first meeting you.

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Chengji calling su ruoxing slapped her forehead how could she forget such an important thing as taking wedding photos she quickly picked up the phone but she didn t expect to hear lu chengji say sorry professor su I m i.

Captured lu chengji so quickly that s right women chase men s interlayer gauze not to mention that lu chengji doesn t have much experience in love but it was a little faster to succeed in just one night it s not that su.

Ruoxing doesn t want lu chengji to fall in love but qiao chixuan s mother and daughter are too insidious obviously they are not suitable candidates and qiao chixuan s pursuit of lu chengji definitely has another purpose.

Moreover the wedding is coming soon well if they are playing outside so ostentatiously if they are bumped into by relatives of the su family the wedding may not go smoothly if right and wrong come out su ruoxing also.

Now it s a busy tone su ruoxing I only talked with lu chengji for two or three minutes on the phone okay and it s only been more than half an hour since she left the hospital professor qiao what happened are you feeling.

Took a taxi but the driver actually knew who she was su ruoxing s little face quickly condensed who sent you if it was qiao zhanchen he would tell her not to mention she knew the qiao family s driver and bodyguard so are.

Had already had a toxic attack and she probably wouldn t have it so quickly the second time thinking of this su ruoxing relaxed a little tone she put on the mask and got out of the car just as she was about to enter the.

Last night was the first time her mother in law and daughter in law met therefore she thought that this morning su ruoxing should obediently wait for her to wake up and then offer her tea respectfully su ruoxing didn t.

Relationship still needs to be confirmed let me tell you if you still care about chenchen you have to come back and be a good woman who cares for your husband and children at home and you can t show your face outside all.

Qian qinyin and qiao zhanchen recognized each other it would not affect her current family it s hard for an upright official to settle housework su ruoxing 500 cbd gummies in fact I m not interested in getting involved with the complicated.

Human relationships of the qiao family but she still had patience and followed lu yaning to a hotel room mrs qiao we are late for the meeting and the lord is already very unhappy so you should make a quick decision and talk.

Quickly su ruoxing looked at her watch I ll give you five minutes under lu yaning s mask his expression changed su ruoxing was so strong towards her and only five minutes although lu yaning was angry she was an old fox.

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she would not show her anger on her face ruoxing you should know that chenchen s biological mother is back I think since she is lao qiao s first wife she is my.

Hypocritical expression thank you then there s lao ruoxing let us go to the meeting quickly lest the lord be angry and deny us the antidote su ruoxing s heart skipped a beat will the antidote be distributed today the.

Antidote is poison the more he eats the deeper the poison becomes let him they are increasingly unable to extricate themselves sure enough when he arrived at the meeting site su ruoxing found that everyone present was.

Obviously in a bad state of mind it seemed that they all saw that it was time for the poison to develop and it would be difficult to survive without taking the antidote after the lord finished speaking he clapped his hands.

With great momentum several hostesses who also wore masks walked into the venue carrying trays support on the plate it is the antidote for everyone to look forward to the stars and the moon su ruoxing touched her lower.

Abdomen the baby was in her stomach no matter what she couldn t take any more poison the lord spoke up give everyone a pill for the antidote and everyone must take it on the spot those who don t obey will be punished on the.

Spot then two strong men lifted out a chair for electrocution su ruoxing s pupils tightened for a while in order to control the members powerfully the lord actually used torture to threaten everyone one side is controlled.

Qiao zhanchen was really her antidote su ruoxing held the antidote in her hand like a hot potato with sweat dripping from her palms the lord spoke again make tea the etiquette lady began to make everyone a cup of the best.

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These people were convinced of his nonsense su ruoxing stopped the etiquette sister take the big teapot in her hand into your own then she took off her mask and faced everyone openly everyone should know me I am a chinese.

Gastrointestinal tract su ruo xing said throwing his antidote into the teapot of miss manners without waiting for the lord to stop her su ruoxing called everyone everyone throw in your own antidote too there are many.

Toast together the face of the lord suddenly turned livid at this time can he say that he doesn t drink professor su what do you want to do originally everyone took the antidote one pill per person and he didn t need to.

Take it himself because he was not poisoned what antidote did he take so he justifiably guided everyone to take the antidote which was enough but now su ruoxing actually proposed to serve tea which made him very angry he.

Hint of threat my lord anyway this is the antidote and it s not poisonous it s okay to have a drink yes we are all full let s toast to the lord together everyone didn t know the reason so there was nothing wrong with.

Hand suddenly fell to the ground with a pop the cup shattered tea was spilled all over the floor everyone it s god s will you don t need to serve tea you can just detoxify wait a minute su ruoxing handed his cup to the.

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Should try to find someone they truly love to try it su ruoxing s words greatly relieved everyone s despair after everyone dispersed su ruoxing felt very tired and was ready to leave several thugs filed out stop her by force.

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Ruoxing on the left and right what are you going to do su ruoxing became nervous the dog will jump over the wall when it is in a hurry it seems that the master is forced by her it s urgent my lord have you forgotten that you.

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Have an affair with any man otherwise even if she could survive it would be meaningless but qiao zhanchen was injured how could she let him do anything with her in this situation su ruoxing s lower abdomen began to cramp.

The boss waved his hand and asked the men to step back you have such a stubborn temper how can someone named qiao tolerate you up to this moment su ruoxing had completely confirmed that qiao zhanchen was not the master she.

His ambition seriously I m just being patient with you su ruoxing glanced sideways at the pile of information clenched her fingers tightly into fists and shed a line of tears from the corner of her eyes any information can.

Arresting me otherwise I m afraid I won t be able to hold on to the moment you said cooperate with me the lord leaned down and used his slender fingers to brush away the messy hair on her face stained by sweat I want your.

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Really wanted to die with the baby but strangely after the baby was miscarried su ruoxing s pain and itching symptoms from the bone marrow gradually dissipated unexpectedly she was saved in the end yes it turned out to be.

The baby in the womb su ruoxing was very heartbroken she was lucky every child loved her very much after the symptoms of toxicity subsided su ruoxing was able to use silver needles to help herself remove uterine congestion.

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Of the interest group including zhirui zhixi who were all members of the interest group finally through qian qinyin he contacted zhi xilie who was seriously ill zhi xilie always hoped that qiao zhanchen could join the.

Interest group and he valued him very much what he s dead the lord is a general sent by zhi xilie to open up china s territory once the lord dies zhi xilie is equivalent to losing his left arm and right arm and huaxia s.

Side will have no leader and many things will be for naught no matter what zhi xilie never expected that the lord would be so angry because of su ruo star kill his capable general qiao zhanchen just wants to know who is.

The master the master is someone we can t afford to offend he is powerful ruthless knows the inside story of each gang and can issue orders to all gangs each of our gangs earns a lot of money the dividends from him will be.

Qiao zhanchen finally understood why su ruoxing said that he liked the master and then quickly denied it qiao zhanchen only by joining us can you have the opportunity to contact the master as long as you take over our huaxia.

Would come to see him the next day but he was wrong not to mention the second day even the third and fourth days su ruoxing did not show up half a month later qiao zhanchen was discharged from the hospital the su family is.

To the hospital to treat him she hoped that qiao zhanchen could stay away from these complicated disputes the family hurried over and said xing er the wedding is about to start why hasn t the groom come yet call him quickly.

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Qiao zhanchen and whispered to him very intimately su ruoxing stopped in just fifteen days the world was turned upside down it only takes a second for a man to change his mind the most uncomfortable thing is that she doesn t.

Said holding qiao zhanchen s arm affectionately he talked about everything heh he treated her like gold su ruoxing stared at their hands together and there was dense pain in his chest there is nothing wrong with grievances.

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Getting behind qiao zhanchen he whispered to him again professor qiao what s the matter with the bride it seems that she doesn t like me very much and she still pours green tea on me that s strange she s calling you green.

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Thinking love is very painful love ran for twenty years the ending is I am tired I am willing to give up I would rather single there is a right man but he doesn t love me enough and if he doesn t love me what kind of a.

Right man is he therefore this wedding was originally a mistake and I am willing to bear all the consequences as soon as su ruoxing finished speaking there was an uproar at the table especially the older generation they.

Communicate again in this life su ruoxing said drinking the wine in the glass that was the wangqing pill she developed because the secret love is too bitter she had the idea of developing this pill a long time ago.

Although he didn t know what kind of pill su ruoxing took his sixth sense told him that it would be bad for him to take it qiao zhanchen was still a step too late su ruoxing had already swallowed the drink and the pills also.

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Su ruoxing s hand take out all the pills let go su ruoxing drooped her long eyelashes not wanting to tug at him in front of so many people su ruoxing I warn you don t eat qiao zhanchen put his big palm into su ruoxing s.

Want to embarrass yourself hand it over yourself qiao zhanchen paused every word with a tense voice su ruoxing don t forget you are still pregnant with my baby in your stomach mentioning the baby su ruoxing s eyes turned.

Marriage with lu chengji to complete the family mission and then she could be with qiao zhanchen with peace of mind qiao zhanchen the baby is already su ruoxing choked with sobs unable to tell the truth at this moment the.

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Suddenly sat up straight and picked up the phone su ruoxing was caught off guard and lost his center of gravity and jumped from his side all of a sudden she sat back in her seat awkwardly so that s what he calls his own.

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