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You can t talk to strangers su ruoxing hurriedly hid outside the gate and quietly looked into the yard he saw four or five men wearing work clothes standing in the yard and one of the men was talking to the little star in the.

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Want to recycle the simulated human xiao chenchen please let s go in wu ma was very cooperative then please come inwho is xiao chenchen my family has the big treasure and the second treasure little xingchen then mama wu.

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Slapped in the face a lawyer actually came to the door is professor su here I was entrusted by professor qiao to discuss divorce matters wu ma who opened the door was doubtful about life go go go our uncle and his wife.

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Colleagues so she agreed unexpectedly bai zhenbo was in charge of he moved his hands and feet on her in the compartment and wanted to rape her to be precise it was adultery bai zhenbo drugged the drink and the victim is.

First floor of the building yes not far from the elevator entrance guo qiuyue met bai zhenbo if you don t believe me you can call the surveillance I am an eyewitness I saw with my own eyes that guo qiuyue offered the.

Invitation and said there was a group of people guo qiuyue s preface does not match the postscript which is obviously a problem we will call the surveillance to conduct a detailed investigation but according to our.

Investigation you went to this company yesterday si was stopped by the security guard and could not enter su ruoxing choked at that time she pretended to be qiao zhanchen s secretary cai kexin in order to sneak in but if.

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Our relationship is very unusual but su ruoxing thought to herself she is the boss and bai zhenbo is the personal assistant can this relationship be normal at at this time he feiyu hurriedly came to understand the case.

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This time the key is why did guo qiuyue frame him did xiao bai have any personal grudges with guo qiuyue the lawyer shook his head they are just ordinary colleagues bai zhenbo has not been in the job for long and he did not.

Have breakfast first and you must not starve yourself one word how can I prove my innocence su ruoxing looked at the breakfast without any appetite but couldn t bear to ignore he feiyu s kindness so he reluctantly ate a.

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Negligent in the end he was kicked in the lower part by the weakest thug now I m afraid qiao zhanchen on the other end of the phone frowned and was annoyed what kind of thug did you find do not talk about wude I want su.

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The important parts of the great master doesn t this make qiao zhanchen upset with his thousand year jealousy master let s not test the young lady this time I will immediately ask other famous doctors to treat the master this.

Is the only way qiao zhanchen acquiesced to he feiyu s proposal of course he can t let su ruoxing heal the lifeblood of other men he feiyu s phone was still on and there was a knock on the car window it was su ruoxing who.

A doctor and was diagnosed as an incurable disease or does the master have ulterior motives young mistress don t worry the master himself is an expert doctor I will immediately find several internationally renowned experts.

Like us can t see it why are you still so nervous master he feiyu realized that she had really wronged su ruoxing when she heard that qiao zhanchen was injured she was so anxious she completely ignored the previous.

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Was because his father ye haocang called him in the middle of the night what did father say it s not dawn yet qiao zhanchen had to withdraw from hypnosis dressed in full qi put on the golden mask the subordinate reported.

Master the owner of the garden said that a distinguished guest is coming and he wants you to accompany him the distinguished guest has arrived in the middle of the night why don t you rest first qiao zhanchen couldn t help.

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