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This with a man other than qiao zhanchen hugged so intimately even if the emulator is an artificial intelligence robot even if it is exactly the same as qiao zhanchen it is not qiao zhanchen himself su ruoxing felt very.

Out for a moment whether the person in front of him was a robot or qiao zhanchen himself hi sue ruoxing let out a burp that smelled like beer seeing the emulator wrinkle his nose su ruoxing struggled to think since you.

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Seems that professor qiao is tough in fact professor qiao bowed his head lu chengji took su xinglie back to sleep but turned around and dialed qiao chixuan s the phone call qiao zhanchen carried the sleepy su ruoxing to the.

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Face and dried the water on her body stains and finally carried her to bed su ruoxing don t sleep yet sleeping with wet hair is not good for your health qiao zhanchen said and went to find a hair dryer when he turned around.

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Was also warm sleep more comfortably little confused look up qiao zhanchen was patient holding the woman s head in one hand and holding the hair dryer in the other blowing it for more than ten minutes and finally.

Sat up from the bed the bed was flat with only her sleeping marks and there was nothing strange about her that she had been intimate with a man it s really a dream do I dreamed that he didn t have feelings for me it must.

Have happened yesterday leaving a serious psychological shadow she teased herself unexpectedly a familiar figure walked out of the bathroom su ruoxing s little heart suddenly skipped a beat uncontrollably she breathed a sigh.

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Promise me that you can t cross the line hey I ll listen to you the emulator said and took off su ruoxing s pajamas su ruoxing frowned suddenly this pajama is not hers of she hasn t seen it su ruoxing opened the closet and.

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Appearance scare you I have turned into such an unreasonable appearance is it annoying the emulator walked to su ruoxing s room in front of her affectionately hey you are the most beautiful and cutest woman in the world.

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Sign an agreement and use aggressive methods well I will fulfill your wish and turn you into a poor professor with nothing then you go quickly su ruoxing never expected that qiao zhanchen was much more anxious than her in.

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Where is lu chengji qiao chixuan calmed down and pretended not to know anything su ruoxing are you crazy didn t lu chengji die in a car accident a long time ago you deliberately stabbed me in my heart knife qiao chixuan.

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