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This place your home lin feng said with a smile I understand ibrahimovic was very clear when he heard what lin feng said so I still hope you can play for a few more seasons you are a living fossil in football lin feng patted.

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Have deployed mourinho waved his arm fiercely instilling his defensive philosophy thanks to fiorentina s recent winning streak mourinho has initially established his own prestige in the fiorentina locker room the players of.

The fiorentina team are still very convinced by mourinho understood the uniform answer shocked the whole room mourinho nodded with satisfaction in this game mourinho saw hope of defeating the turin team and once the.

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Midfielder amrabat has already defended in place and completed the encirclement I have to say that mourinho s defensive arrangement is true very good although julius controlled the ball the space for handling the ball was.

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Because aina s long shot felt so good in this game if aina is allowed to continue shooting from long range maybe the next shot will be scored directly by aina a different kind of impact aina is using his own unique style to.

Deployment is mainly defensive so the florence players are not so obsessed with controlling the ball after losing the ball florence continued to focus on defense the football was sent to aina s feet in no time aina gave the.

Just now 1 1 aina s performance against the sky allowed the turin team to equalize the score shortly after the start of the second half so beautiful so sultry at this moment ena is possessed by batistuta in the dragon.

Team you have a superstar again let s congratulate aina congratulations to the turin team congratulations to lin feng liu jianhong said excitedly aina s goal is indeed a beautiful one counting the previous two shots aina can.

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Are still 30 minutes left before the end of the game these 30 minutes will be the final battle between the two teams the team will strive to win in the longguo broadcast room as the turin team equalized the score huang.

Jianxiang and liu jianhong also became more energetic in commentating mourinho s tactical deployment is not a big problem but I feel that his mentality is a little bit problematic I guess he really wants to beat lin feng once.

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Pass julius stepped up with his long legs and withstood milenkovic s pressing bang julius couldn t control his body shape under the strong confrontation however julius used a backward gesture and swept the football with his.

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Short but the ball was lost again in that case the florence team would be lagging behind traziano rested on the ground for a while before slowly getting up this is traziano deliberately delaying time to let his teammates.

Free kick spot without knowing when this is a free kick 23 meters from the goal great location oops after understanding this mourinho s eyelids jumped in his heart he already felt that the fiorentina team was going to lose.

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Master very exciting huang jianxiang said excitedly in the longguo broadcast room for longguo fans and fans this game is simply a perfect game right boom even overtake lin feng scores a goal all the exciting factors are.

Already there lin feng s free kick is the ultimate weapon it s the same thing again lin feng will take action at the critical moment liu jianhong on the side said equally excitedly on the sidelines of the court mourinho.

Fiorentina players did not make any obvious mistakes on the court then we can only say that lin feng s strength is too strong of course mourinho knows this very well is this game going to be lost mourinho already had such a.

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Strongly under the leadership of mourinho in that case fiorentina can really get a taste of this season s coppa italia champion with such mixed emotions among fiorentina fans this game is about to begin mourinho and eddie.

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Much space for turin offensive players such as lauti and julius naturally mourinho had already considered it that is the fiorentina team will adopt an offside defensive method in this game this defensive method is also.

The risk of using offside tactics the reason is simple lin feng s precise pass will make the turin striker turn offside again and again at that time the turin team will get one on one chances again and again the fiorentina.

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Shot because the simplest way to crack the florence team s defensive deployment is to directly take long shots if aina takes two more steps he will inevitably fall into the defensive quagmire of florence losing control of.

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Crane gai was passed again torino s two wing defenses a big problem was exposed rosari quickly rushed over to cover the defense ouch kuwamei a cow s tail although there were some stumbles I passed rosari again is this an.

Routine but it is not the only attack routine kuvame can also choose to pass the ball at this time on the right side of the penalty area of the turin team lin feng has already caught gonzalez from the corner of his eye and.

His foot it seems to be about to shoot no a false shot is a true pass it looks like a diagonal pass to gonzalez who has already rushed into the penalty area no kuvame has played a wild imagination at this time he shot with.

The first goal again lin feng got up from the ground and threw the football through the net fished it out interesting lin feng smiled lightly the fighting spirit in his heart has been completely raised the florence team they.

Broke the goal guarded by lin feng for two consecutive games just from this point it really shows mourinho s coaching skills mourinho is indeed the person who knows lin feng best the tactical deployment made is also very.

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Of them will become much more dignified on the sidelines of the court mourinho did not restrain his excitement at all once again rushed into the field to celebrate wildly in the stands fiorentina s home fans broke out into.

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are indeed a bit unexpected in the broadcast room huang jianxiang observed fiorentina team and.

Explained aina s advance was once again flanked by the fiorentina team this time aina chose to play the fast ball ribery failed to break through after receiving the ball and the ball was destroyed by fiorentina full back.

Was first cleared by milenkovic out of the penalty area and kicked the ball to the frontcourt the turin team s first attack after the re kick off failed although the fiorentina team continues to insist on offense but it s.

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Fiorentina team is temporarily lifted the turin team s attack just now was still very sharp however the florence team s defense seems to be very good the torino team didn t get a shot in the longguo broadcast room huang.

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Lin feng intercepted the ball directly in the 21st minute of the game lin feng launched a counterattack julius shot with a kick and the football missed the right post and rolled out of the baseline in the 24th minute of.

The game progressed mourinho on the sidelines realized something was wrong fiorentina s offense is starting to become less and less frequent and the turin team s offense is getting higher and higher with each wave one wave.

Squashed and the three fronts were almost squeezed together if a timeout could be called in a football match mourinho would definitely choose to call a long timeout at this time it s a pity that there is no opportunity to.

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Of the fiorentina team need to take a breath try to break the ball out of the sideline or kick it into the air try to slow down mourinho shouted towards the court again but everything is a little late in the 27th minute of.

Feng aina lauti we still have to rely on lin feng in the broadcast room huang jianxiang said excitedly lin feng will be steady once he makes a move the fiorentina team s formation in this game obviously gave lin feng more.

Opportunities for through balls now the two sides are back on the same starting line again the next game is likely to enter a stalemate again liu jianhong on the side also showed a smile just equalize the score the commentary.

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Again face the stranglehold of the turin defense the turin defense system is very complete for the fiorentina team s opening three goals have also adapted a lot so the defensive effect at this time is also very good when the.

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Be possible to reverse the current momentum of the fiorentina team the decline if mourinho chooses to focus on defense in the second half of the game it will inevitably cause the players of the fiorentina team to become.

Smoothly so we have to have more changes in the offense for example more combinations of sideways and central lanes when the opponent rosari and aina are more filling the wing it means that the turin team s defense in the.

Firmly good you must have such an aura dare to take responsibility mourinho praised next mourinho carried out various detailed tactical deployments and psychologically poured a wave of chicken soup for the fiorentina players.

Again at the same time on the other side in the locker room of the torino team the atmosphere is still relaxed the players are resting while chatting in twos and threes eddie blair continues to play his role as a tool man.

Honey the second half of the game between turin and fiorentina will start soon neither eddie blair nor mourinho made substitutions at half time this shows that the tactical system of the two teams in the second half of the.

Game should not have changed much from the first half in the longguo broadcast room huang jianxiang cheered up and continued to explain for the longguo fans it is the early morning fans who can keep watching the torino.

Stands gave the players the greatest support on the field through shouting at this time the fiorentina team players on the field heard the uniform shouts of the fans in the stands the spirit is lifted the running has become a.

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Confrontation that jovic controlled the ball bang jovic turned around and shot angrily the main feature is a fast word on the sidelines of the court mourinho clenched his fists and raised his arms high ready to celebrate.

Fight lin feng quickly fell to the ground and saved jovic s fast and flat ground ball shot since jovic s shot was very close and powerful lin feng couldn t directly catch the ball gonzalez on the side rushed over quickly.

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Also a deep sigh in my heart although mourinho knows lin feng s saving ability but at that moment I still had unlimited expectations and fantasies in my heart what if lin feng didn t catch him but the reality is lin feng.

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Really tall the height exceeds 2 meters standing on the court I feel like I stand out from the crowd now if the fiorentina team wants to use a high ball attack it will become even more difficult huang jianxiang said with a.

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Ended because this is a cup match the two sides still need to continue the 30 minute overtime if the two teams continue to tie in overtime they will enter a penalty shootout hearing the constant cheers from the fans in the.

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Aina barely took a run up he stepped forward and swung his right foot swipe a dead end in the absolute sense eina made it happen in one fell swoop did not give traziano any chance to save it s that simple just so domineering.

Stood still bonaventura lin feng smiled faintly former teammates however lin feng will not let anything go this time bonaventura looked at lin feng who was standing calmly in front of the goal and felt inexplicably nervous.

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Penalty which means the ball is very slow it looked like bonaventura intentionally kicked the ball towards lin feng s hand lin feng showed off again he stretched out his right hand and caught the ball in mid air with one.

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Perfectly ah impossible I m rough the fiorentina fans in the stands were completely ready to celebrate but they had to be interrupted at this time because kuwamei s penalty kick was perfectly saved by lin feng cool penalty.

Bonaventura just now because it s different from bonaventura who didn t play well no one can find fault with couwame s penalty kick but even such a perfect penalty kick was still saved by lin feng who the hell can I talk to.

Style mourinho sat back on the bench as the head coach who knows lin feng best mourinho naturally knows lin feng s ability to save penalty kicks so he chose to accept it long in the national broadcast room huang jianxiang.

Penalty kick how is this possible why is this happening are our players too bad at taking penalty kicks this is simply outrageous many fiorentina fans in the stands started cry such a scene undoubtedly makes many fans of.

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It s almost 6 months there are about 4 months I m very nervous then he locked the diary in the drawer who the hell keeps a diary lin feng was far from dishonest it s just that a part of my heart is always missing no matter.

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Haven on january 28 the second half of the serie a match officially began in the 20th round of serie a torino challenged empoli away this game which didn t seem to have much suspense at first turned out to be full of ups.

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Second half of the game the turin team scored a goal each from lauti and aina finally won with a 2 1 comeback the turin team s recent headwind comeback but it s accurate with one kick after the 20th round of serie a the.

Serie a the competition in serie a is still very fierce and the turin team which is at the top of the list is faintly becoming the first echelon alone create some space with the team behind you after this game the turin.

In this game the fans of the turin team were also extremely enthusiastic after entering the tight schedule eddie blair under lin feng s instructions also began to carry out some necessary rotations for the team in this.

The udinese players is still good where to buy natures only cbd gummies in this game udinese s tactical style will also be based on defense on the other side eddie blair still has a 3 5 2 formation just made some adjustments to the starting lineup 3 defenders.

Norris richard burdisso singh 5 midfielders crane gay milik oaks fier aina tanier 2 forwards ibrahimovic giroud goalkeeper lin feng in addition to the adjustments how to make penis bigger natural on the front line midfielder and back line eddie blair.

Leading the lead the second ranked inter milan team has 5 points these all give the turin team the confidence to make a large rotation so it s not a big problem liu jianhong said with a smile the goal of the turin team in.

Of the referee the game officially started udinese kicks off first the thoughts of the udinese players in this game are still very unified shortly after the opening udinese took the initiative to give up the ball and.

Turned to the defensive in this game the udinese team is going to take the bus take the initiative to show weakness then let s see if the turin team will let it go after the ball returned to the turin team football was very.

Aina s kick in the opening game the turin team had no other shooting opportunities therefore the scene looks a bit dull I wanted to watch a clash but I didn t expect udinese to set up a bus normal now facing turin how.

Forward and intercepted the ball he wanted to turn around and take a kick but was intercepted by rodrigo again bang rodrigo who continued to perform wonderful defensive performances kicked the ball towards the frontcourt.

Udinese team the two veteran forwards ibrahimovic and giroud are already very difficult to create opportunities sotir on the sidelines raised his brows and a glimmer of hope could not be suppressed in his heart a glimmer of.

Declined drastically to put it bluntly the body cannot keep up with the reaction speed of the brain on the other hand it is because the two of them have played very few games this season this makes it difficult to guarantee.

Their competitive status especially in this kind of game where he starts from the beginning of the game it is even more difficult no no no you two still performed well very bright eddie blair quickly denied ibrahimovic s.

Statement ibrahimovic and giroud both rolled their eyes after hearing this this is not nutritious at all it sounds like perfunctory cough eddie blair coughed lightly feeling that what he just said was not nutritious but in.

To rest by themselves then they chatted with milik tanier and norris richard alone chat in front of young players eddie blair seems to be a lot more relaxed in front of ibrahimovic and giroud eddie blair still feels very.

Lin feng has the final say in the turin locker room now eddie blair is still a little far behind the real head coach of the turin team the second half of the game started quickly the game strategies of both teams have not.

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