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Manage to put his affections on other women as soon as he got married su ruoxing s eyes stung how could she she never expected that qiao zhanchen would treat her like this she thought he had tried his best to overcome all.

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Woman is trash and he can run as far as he can so as not to make my mother feel sick the girl in the video can see she was stunned professor qiao she so she is so fierce no wonder you don t like her I really sympathize.

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Come to settle accounts su ruoxing was shocked second treasure aren t the little ones in foreign schools she quickly picked up and dropped it on the table cell phone on the chair in the wechat video er bao was sitting on.

Getting married today so after making some arrangements immediately he rushed to su s house as soon as he was discharged from the hospital interception wedding and this girl is cheng yaojin who broke out halfway and her.

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Felt that the atmosphere in the car was weird and looked in the rearview mirror in confusion and his heart suddenly groaned I saw qiao zhanchen and su ruoxing one sitting on the far left on the side one sits on the far.

Ruoxing was really crying he immediately felt pain in his heart and he would rather be himself in pain he hugged her from behind and pressed his sexy thin lips to her ear the low hoarse voice with thin hot breath entered her.

Pressed tightly against her back the long lost body temperature with the man s the masculine aura came towards her without stopping for a moment su ruoxing felt that her limbs became weak and her whole figure boneless she.

Would definitely take the opportunity to deepen the kiss so should she should you accept his kiss su ruoxing hesitated instinctively and was about to bounce away unexpectedly qiao zhanchen bounced away first he let go of.

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And qiao zhanchen were having trouble just now this progress is too fast su ruoxing quickly retracted her hand and prepared to withdraw but in the next moment qiao zhanchen turned over and forced her into the back seat his.

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He is handsome if uncle mask is as handsome as daddy then he will have a chance to win mommy s heart su ruoxing who had already walked out of the car couldn t laugh or cry when she heard xiao xingchen s words when did she.

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On it keep in mind our oath that we will never separate hey su ruoxing laughed again in excitement could it be that wu mushi has already chosen this girl among many suitors men are you already sworn to each other su ruoxing.

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She thought it was just a trivial matter and she would turn the page after explaining it unexpectedly as soon as she explained it the man s anger even more so qiao zhanchen s black eyes narrowed dangerously and his.

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Look like a wife and mother look the sun is shining on my buttocks I ve already woken up from my beauty sleep you re just here now why don t you come to offer tea tonight you said he was a professor without my chenchen would.

You be able to be this professor let alone a professor even if she is the president s wife she must fulfill the responsibilities and etiquette that a daughter in law should have su ruoxing held the tea and endured qian.

This daughter in law didn t take her seriously at all and she must have turned a deaf ear to her education angry qian qinyin thought of a way to vent his anger su ruoxing you have to kneel down to serve tea what s the point.

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More considerate of qiao zhanchen even if he chooses qian qinyin she shouldn t blame him qiao zhanchen looked at su ruoxing although she has a fierce temper she grew up in a strict family and was polite and courteous in her.

Out but my mother has not yet enjoyed the joy of being a mother in law and she has not even suffered at all su ruoxing thought hehe co authoring qian qinyin took the mother in law s oppression of her daughter in law as a.

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Blood su ruoxing finally served tea successfully and qiao zhanchen went to the company with confidence but when qiao zhanchen stepped forward qian qinyin came up with trouble again I want to eat some home cooked food at.

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And prevent qiao zhanchen from knowing the life experience of the triplets but now the misunderstanding between them has if you lie to him again su ruoxing will feel a strong sense of guilt so this time su ruoxing didn t.

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Was a party otherwise I would have gone shopping for jewelry earlier to prepare su ruo xing murmured in his heart it turned out that qiao zhanchen had already made arrangements qian qinyin raised her eyebrows su ruoxing.

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Long su ruoxing returned to the car driving home just as she was about to get home she received a call from wu mushi ruoxing aren t you are you reconciled with your family professor qiao why didn t he bring you to the.

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Treat you for you tomorrow mr qian s current condition is stable there will be abnormalities but to be on the safe side you should take suxiao jiuxin pill with you grandpa qian was reluctant to let su ruoxing leave.

Professor su I don t feel at ease without you for this gathering I mainly want to meet some old friends who have been friends for decades when I get older I will meet them less once qian zang and qian zhemao also tried.

Tell that qian zang spoke very tactfully and approachably it s not like some rich and powerful people who say something like I ll bring you a long experience words give people a sense of superiority su ruoxing suddenly had a.

Good impression of qian zang s cultivation now that qiao zhanchen was here she had already reached the door so why not go in and see clearly which amazing female companion he had brought she thought for a while and said mr.

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they had never thought that marrying the daughter of the qian family to a second married man.

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Qiao held a wedding yesterday but the bride is not you are you so proud now because you are a mistress wu mushi s as soon as the voice fell mr qian s heart suddenly ached again he quickly swallowed a suxiao jiuxin pill and.

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Ruoxing standing at the door of the room as if she had a demonic disease the father and son didn t know that su ruoxing was the bride they were talking about professor su why are you here aren t you putting on makeup su.

Ruoxing woke up from the pain and saw qian zang and his son coming suddenly yes she seems like a lifetime away she didn t know that a huge change had occurred in the banquet hall mr qian why are you here hey my family is.

Joe the woman zhan chen was good at turned out to be qian yanan who had been missing for a long time qiao zhanchen took special care of qian yanan at first but when qian yanan disappeared su ruoxing thought that the matter.

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Quarrel coming from the living room and walked out of the bedroom calmly seeing that su ruoxing was there he realized that there seemed to be a big problem in pretending to be qian yanan s boyfriend this time su ruoxing you.

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