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Exaggerated su ruoxing mainly felt sorry for qin haiqing s kindness qiao zhanchen pointed to his car fifth generation send her into my car okay master xiaochenchen is the fifth generation artificial intelligence simulator.
Professor harassed me and came to live with me for a period of time keep your ears clean su xinglie also tried his best to fight for it master you d better get in my car and go home just when su ruoxing was in a dilemma.
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The boss and you have to ask the boss for the price su ruoxing was dumbfounded even his secret research and development base became hers and his assets were completely cleared ridiculous the master sneered disdainfully i.
Can t see that professor qiao is still an infatuated kind and he will give everything for a woman well now dumped by a woman in the street divorced you are nothing but a stray dog with nothing as soon as the lord finished.
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The market price we will seek the boss s opinions and suggestions and then announce the price to the public qiao zhanchen kept referring to su ruoxing as boss which made su ruoxing uneasy he clearly created the base with.
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He has already given her all his money and now he is not even a doctor or professor doesn t that mean he really has nothing qiao zhanchen touched the tall bridge of his nose with his slender fingers he knew su ruoxing if.
She failed at this time she would definitely be soft hearted for the sake of the baby if you sell poorly you will sell poorly qiao zhanchen responded to su ruoxing s melancholy expression of loneliness and helplessness.
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Chixuan in front of su ruoxing after all qiao chixuan is still his sister in his heart since childhood he has always treated qiao chixuan as his biological sister but the words and actions of their mother and daughter in the.
And decided to give lu yaning and her daughter one last chance after all he owed them a life qiao chixuan s biological father drowned to save him besides even if he told the news to the police it cannot be directly proved.
That they are the masterminds behind the kidnapping case when su ruoxing saw qiao zhan chenjun s face was tense and his whole body exuded an aura of keeping away from strangers thinking that he was unwell professor qiao.
What happened you don t look good it s okay qiao zhanchen raised his hand again and rubbed his temples where his head hurt from the sudden beating he felt physically and mentally exhausted and even doubted life he regards lu.
Yaning and qiao chixuan as close relatives but they are actually ambitious qiao zhan chen thought of qiao lixuan other than his grandfather and father the qiao family didn t know his blood relationship so qiao lixuan was.
Greatly shortened then I will go right away lixuan has always been a man be careful car also regular maintenance how can there be a car accident the police suspect that the car accident was man made and are still.
Such as ice cream and potato chips and avoid cold foods su ruoxing was surprised that qiao zhanchen seemed to be it is very different from usual and the words are particularly long winded you must take a hot bath when you.
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Way to the square outside the shopping mall building the temperature was very hot and dull qiao zhanchen s body was already in a super overdrawn state he suddenly felt out of breath as he was surrounded by so many people he.
Instinctively opened the top few buttons of his shirt collar to get some air unexpectedly because of qiao zhanchen s unintentional move the fans suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers so sexy xiao chenchen s collarbone is.
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Development room with no outsiders around her tense nerves finally relaxed professor qiao just sit aside and take a rest I ll go pick out the medicinal ingredients first she had already told other staff to help her prepare.
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He so annoying I m going to the bathroom su ruoxing was about to go out when a sound of strong footsteps came from far to near outside the door could it be that the lord is here su ruoxing hurriedly dragged qiao zhanchen.
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Peacefully all night he didn t treat her as a woman at all su ruoxing said angrily professor qiao I think we are more suitable for taoyuan to become sworn brothers qiao zhanchen s eyes darkened she really dared to think now.
Sleeping and the employees still lying on the boss s bed su ruoxing muttered got out of the quilt stood on the ground with her white and tender feet bent down to pick up the clothes thrown on the ground since he didn t.
Sour she had been secretly in love with him for ten years married and divorced married and divorced again and tossed and turned for more than four years they never expected that in the end they were not fighting each.
Other to the death let alone love to the death instead he became a senseless stranger who only had nodding acquaintances su ruoxing saw that qiao zhanchen was not moving on the bed so he picked up qiao zhan and chen s.
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To leave him with some thoughts qiao zhanchen originally only wanted to tease qin haiqing but unexpectedly the kiss was out of control again he even felt that the hot blood was rushing towards his seal like a stormy wave qin.
In the qin group but she was cheated by a little assistant ruoxing who is he I ll get rid of him right away I ll kill him qin haiqing didn t know at this moment su ruoxing could no longer hear his roar her heart is full of.
When she thought about qiao zhanchen not sincerely kissing her and when he thought about how seductive he looked when kissing qiao chixuan she felt so heartbroken that she couldn t breathe but asking her to really let go of.
Recorded her own voice as the ringtone for qiao zhanchen but qiao zhanchen never changed it whenever qiao chixuan called this customized ringtone would sing hearing qiao chixuan s artificial voice su ruoxing s head twitched.
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Promise to be with me I didn t expect you to be a person with two feet I m in so much pain I don t want to live anymore xuanxuan don t make trouble qiao zhanchen pinched pinch between eyebrows I don t know why but this.
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In this world it can t be that my ex husband is going to commit suicide after su ruoxing took a few mouthfuls of food she stood up with the plate in hand and was about to leave however zhang tulei stuck to her and kept.
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