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Conglomerate alliance wants to open up the chinese market qiao zhanchen chen was originally the number one person they wanted to win over zhi rui naturally did his homework before coming to china but he always thought that a.

Professor must be a nerd with slender arms and legs and a weak hand unexpectedly qiao zhanchen was a little taller than him he grew up in the west and his figure is already tall and strong but qiao zhanchen s figure and.

They doing mr zhi I m really sorry professor qiao is a bit special today I didn t mean to offend I will contact mr zhi to apologize later let s just say goodbye today su ruoxing is not in the mood to answer the question of.

Whether she loves her or not now she regrets it terribly it s all because of her eagerness to win and she wanted too much information from zhi rui so she agreed to let zhi rui send her back which caused both parties to.

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Departments that professor qiao has been with a peerless beauty these days how can he remember his ex hey or if we find a way to help professor su create an opportunity to meet professor qiao maybe there is still room for.

Redemption su ruoxing didn t hear her colleagues chat but she knew it in these busy days the r d department has not even held a decent meeting which shows that qiao zhanchen has been busy with other things for example.

Being with someone you like what s more when she was talking to the three little guys on the phone they all said that qiao zhanchen and shenlong had always seen the beginning but not the end su ruoxing is washing her hands.

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It secret keep it secret qiao chixuan s eyes wandered who doesn t want mother to be more valuable than son su ruoxingguang can capture qiao zhanchen s heart with an illegitimate daughter xiao xingchen if there is another.

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Over the floor in pain you have to find a place where there is no one to roll around qiao zhanchen did you really just take a look yes okay look with a strong sense of humiliation su ruoxing raised her skirt it felt like.

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The room su ruoxing you have a lot of skills not only did you live with lu chengji but you even settled the whole in law s family su ruoxing didn t know whether to laugh or cry when did she marry lu chengji living together.

Delicate body pinch her chin with his long fingers and lift her pale face su ruoxing what s wrong with you what s wrong with you su ruoxing s eyelids were so heavy I m very sleepy send me to the hotel she vaguely heard.

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People go and borrow color ultrasound facilities the gynecologist quickly explained professor qiao there is no need for color ultrasound yet I will check the condition of the cervix first and then do a detailed examination.

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Confiscated the phone are you eager to find lu chengji as soon as you wake up one day without seeing you is like three autumns qiao zhanchen glanced at the number dialed on her mobile phone and it was lu chengji s number his.

Quickly su ruoxing said leaning forward and stretching out her little hand to reach the phone in qiao zhanchen s hand qiao zhanchen who was standing by the bed took a step back to avoid su ruoxing as a result the weak su.

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Seal s judgment is beyond doubt su ruoxing she was hasty when she was on a blind date with lu chengji the seal flickered for some reason later when she met lu chengji the seal flickered a few times but most of the time.

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Her like this from the moment qiao zhanchen cheated from the moment she decided to take poison she and qiao zhanchen parted ways even if he is the real son he can t save their relationship and future what s more qiao.

Been announced su ruoxing fell on the bed helplessly and pulled up the quilt overhead telling her father the truth would only increase his old man s troubles she had no choice but to conceal the truth qiao zhanchen heard the.

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To kyoto with her younger brothers and sisters saying that she would take root in kyoto and let her younger brothers and sisters also find jobs in kyoto I happened to be living in your house at that time so my mother thought.

You were my daughter friend su ruoxing originally thought that lu chengji would say that he would let his family move out of her house as soon as possible but he didn t expect lu chengji to say professor su can you I can t.

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Willing to wait for you to be my woman willingly su ruoxing smiled bitterly her life was constantly shuttled between various agreements why is it so difficult to live an ordinary life with the man you like at this time qiao.

Zhanchen s assistant s voice came from outside the door master all ten blind dates have come I natural ways to get a bigger dick arranged a a vip room you can start a blind date at any time I m going to call young mistress don t call her but the young.

Mistress insisted on accompanying you on a blind date it s unheard of for an ex wife to go on a blind date with an ex husband the assistant is suspicious of life qiao zhanchen growled I ll do it myself su ruoxing hurriedly.

And a leisure and entertainment room the ten women who came on a blind date were all well dressed and sat in the living room very elegantly as soon as qiao zhanchen came they immediately cheered up although it was agreed in.

Them indifferently and opened his lips coldly go to the study one by one for interviews su ruoxing squeezed into the room just as the assistant was about to close the door she met qiao zhanchen s decisive eyes and smiled.

Business su ruoxing asked very carefully hate it is not allowed to check all eighteen generations of people s ancestors she also took a notebook and recorded the girl s genetic history preferences education experience work.

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Make trouble on purpose you are allowed to get married and I am not allowed to find a stepmother for the child su ruoxing anyway she just doesn t think of him casually she thought for a while since professor qiao is.

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to as me if you divorce her casually she will be divorced casually when you meet a scheming woman.

Conference room by qiao zhanchen because she was late however she was very smart and courageous and took the opportunity to interview qiao zhanchen not only did she successfully bring qiao zhanchen and su ruoxing together.

When flowers bloom there may be a perfect woman who is willing to do it qiao zhanchen snorted coldly su ruoxing you praise me too much if I am loved by everyone why don t you love me su ruoxing drooped her long eyelashes.

Trembled non stop qiao zhanchen actually found out about her deal with lu chengji the baby belongs to qiao zhanchen and she won t get angry with such a thing so she can only admit that he is the baby s father but if qiao.

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