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Grabbed another man and wouldn t let go that s not the case it was mr qian who misunderstood hiss before su ruoxing could finish her words the man bit her lip the smell of blood seeped into his lips and teeth qiao zhanchen.

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Want to see another woman take off my belt with your own eyes then surrender to me immediately su ruoxing s eyes were very hot she saw no love in his eyes only his desire to conquer qiao zhanchen promise me not to hurt.

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Very unique I like it very much qian qinyin proudly touched the necklace around her neck this necklace was the one lu yaning borrowed from su ruoxing and gave it to her qian qinyin was quite surprised that lu yaning was so.

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Future mistress of the qian family could it be that she is the real mistress of the qian family lu yaning took the opportunity to fan the flames sister what s going on with su ruoxing I gave you a fake necklace but I wore a.

Qian qinyin s hand and then looked at lu yaning who was standing not far away and was gloating about his misfortune and seemed to understand something mrs qiao the more impulsive you are the easier it is for you to be.

Master please respect yourself it won t look good if we push each other in public the corners of the master s lips raised su ruoxing why did you come to me and pretend to be a chaste woman you can even accept the greasy.

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Brothers qiao lixuan has already appeared so qiao zhanchen should also come over right qiao lixuan stood in front of su ruoxing who was disguised as a man and looked down at her from above he pursed his lips in disdain.

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It s not like a family doesn t want to enter the same house qiao lixuan s current appearance is actually very similar to qiao zhanchen s brutal and domineering appearance mr xiao qiao if you have something to say don t touch.

Enough qiao lixuan took off his suit rolled up his sleeves and walked towards su ruoxing would I dare not today I will beat him myself su ruoxing couldn t laugh or cry qiao lixuan also said that he doesn t like wu mushi.

She take a punch from qiao lixuan wait until he finishes beating her and calms down then look at him again what will be her attitude towards wu mushi seeing that qiao lixuan s fist was about to be punched out wu muchi couldn.

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So why are we talking about marriage the reason why we didn t ask the security guards to invite a few of them out directly is because our qiao and wu families were once in laws qiao zhanchen said let her go on the ground he.

Knows how could wu xuerong act so well seeing qiao zhanchen being so alienated from her wu xuerong felt aggrieved with tears in her eyes professor qiao that s not what you said at the time you said you regretted meeting me.

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