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That she deliberately presented the illusion that she was making a sweet phone call in front of qiao zhanchen back at the dining table su ruoxing acted like a normal person enjoying the food and not mentioning anything.

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His mouth su ruoxing you if you have any questions ask them and don t be weird I am not only going abroad with qian anran alone I am okay I actually don t care at all if you go abroad with qian anran or zhao anran as.

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Professor qiao wants to be friendly with women and be open and frank sneaky that s the behavior of a villain how could professor qiao be a villain su ruoxing smiled and played tai chi with the man qiao zhanchen during.

Professor qiao should go back first su ruoxing waved to qiao zhanchen who had a bad complexion with a smile in his eyes yes that s what I mean drive you away qiao zhanchen s thin lips pursed into a dangerous arc and his.

Explain why he repeatedly said that he must go abroad but didn t explain clearly why he had to go that s right we re on the same road then I ll take professor qiao s ride su ruoxing followed qiao zhanchen to the qian.

Leaned towards the passenger seat let me take a look the next moment his tall and strong body suppressed the woman on the passenger seat su ruoxing stared vigilantly at the man s handsome face qiao zhanchen what are you.

She quickly reminded professor qiao you must have forgotten I have already left your teeth marks on me as a reminder read enough not enough it s there where others can t see it I want to leave my mark where others can see.

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Scarf around my neck and show off can I su ruoxing you can still use a silk scarf to cover it up what about me qiao zhanchen pointed to the thin teeth marks on his neck and was very dissatisfied with the woman s skills.

Zhanchen raised his wrist to look at his watch it s time to rest we have important things to do tomorrow morning what s important su ruoxing was surprised that he took her with him on important matters qiao zhanchen s.

Abide by the agreement su ruoxing suggested even if we get the certificate the master may not abide by the agreement will admit the bet and withdraw from china we must at least wait until the master makes it clear that the.

Zhanchen was disgusted by her poor coaxing method and the corners of his mouth raised then let s make an agreement ming go to the civil affairs bureau um su ruoxing probably doesn t want to experience the pain of marriage.

And divorce again and she is not very happy about re acquiring the certificate professor qiao when you leave help me close the door of the office su ruoxing didn t want qiao zhanchen to see that she was unhappy so she put.

Simply clicked on the monitoring software on her phone to see if there was any movement from the master unexpectedly the master happened to be making an overseas phone call su ruoxing felt excited it came sooner rather than.

Professor qiao when did you become so conscious of thrift su ruoxing swallowed silently drooling you want to sleep on my sofa your sofa I m sorry first come first served this sofa is mine tonight the shirt was thrown onto.

A standing clothes rack in the corner of the office then he started working on his pants again with a click sound the metal buckle of the belt popped open su ruoxing he quickly stopped him and continued to take off his.

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Nickname is sherry the profile picture is a foreign beauty with white skin blue eyes and long legs qiao zhanchen and sherry only have one historical chat message going abroad has been postponed the specific time is.

Because of a foreign woman he even prepared foreign villas and women it took a long time for su ruoxing to relax crying to no avail blessing him but unwilling to give in this is probably the sorrow of the first wife su.

About her than his wife she deleted the messages sherry sent to qiao zhanchen one by one sherry couldn t get a reply from qiao zhanchen so she finally couldn t hold it back and asked su ruoxing a message was sent from his.

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Photo su ruoxing deliberately not posting to whet her appetite professor qiao has a photo of his wife on his cell phone and our assistants dare not keep the photo of his wife sherry was trying hard to see the photos but su.

Ruoxing pretended to be embarrassed and delayed for a long time saying that she would try to take secret photos then she used her mobile phone holder to take a photo of herself and qiao zhanchen cheek to cheek on the bed and.

A three hundred year battle su ruoxing used the trumpet to blow herself up after sending the photo to sherry I specifically warned ms sherry must delete the photo immediately after seeing it otherwise professor qiao will.

Beautiful the voting results have the final say su ruoxing silently threw away the phone fortunately he was a little conservative and did not reveal qiao zhanchen s face and figure she herself showed half of her face but.

Herself is not likely to have an all powerful appearance and women with bare necks and shoulders abound on the internet so it should not cause any impact after some self comfort su ruoxing quickly calmed down her heart.

How long I slept before su ruoxing was pushed awake she opened her blurred eyes but saw qiao zhanchen s tense handsome face full of anger this was the first time that she was woken up not by his kiss but by his push it was.

Also the first time that when she opened her eyes she saw an angry face su ruoxing hehe in her heart for sherry she stabbed him in a foreign country s golden nest angry su ruoxing deliberately stretched her body and said.

Good morning professor qiao it seems that someone is not happy early in the morning why qiao zhanchen put his phone in front of her and said you deleted it without permission video su ruoxing was speechless qiao zhanchen was.

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Heard that you are a good father with 24 filial piety shouldn t it be more interesting to take more parent child videos to take abroad I took pictures of the big baby and the second baby little xingchen I took a lot of them.

Video I got someone to make an mv let s enjoy it together later the video of you and your baby is missing now qiao zhanchen s big palm just covered su ruoxing s belly but su ruoxing pushed it away seemingly inadvertently.

See handsome handsome and tender men this is also a woman s nature professor qiao can also understand it what s the meaning think I m old qiao zhanchen his sword eyebrows were furrowed tightly showing his displeasure su.

Was drawn in the heart of the person professor qiao don t take it for granted whoever does it should know it in his heart su ruoxing said and poked qiao zhanchen s heart hard if someone knows it in his heart he will do.

About any man it s a deal I promise to resist any woman qiao zhanchen vowed su ruoxing sneered in her heart where is sherry who is looking through the eyes in a foreign villa where did he get the confidence to make this.

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Matter aside temporarily the hospital is already busy and the footsteps outside the office are constantly coming and going it s almost time the dr lu introduced by professor qiao will come for an interview in the morning if.

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unexpectedly qiao zhanchen began to concentrate.

On feeding su ruoxing one mouthful of this one one mouthful of that one qiao zhanchen wished that su ruoxing would eat a global village breakfast must be eaten and every day from now on eat a balanced diet I will let.

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Going abroad the traffic is so developed now in the three people s office dr lu suddenly felt like a high wattage light bulb unable to plug in a word finally su ruoxing and dr lu successfully signed an agreement and dr.

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Frantically broke away from the doctor rushed towards qiao zhanchen master I am so happy that you came to see me several doctors quickly held her down but wu xuerong still desperately struggling crying and laughing at.

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When the boss and qiao chixuan met by chance it happened to be seen by wu xuerong I suspect that the boss deliberately arranged it the police took out paper and pen to record my lord what s your name where is your address.

Which company is your unit su ruoxing said for so long no one knows what the lord s name is I don t know his name or his address professor qiao su ruoxing wanted to ask qiao zhanchen but he was nowhere to be seen she.

Thought for a while I only know that the master is related to the qin group he usually wears a golden mask and rarely shows his true face to others he looks the same as professor qiao looks the same as professor qiao I haven.

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Emotions first the master is not easy to mess with if you are reckless wu xuerong will be implicated home but am I just going to watch rong rong being tortured like this by him and there is nothing we can do against him.

Has faded her disease has been aroused what she has to face next is a long treatment process the recovery situation is difficult to predict at the same time bad news kept coming and the results of wu mushi s baby s.

Genetic test also came out even after several generations the baby still carries the gene for a history of mental illness therefore whether the baby in her womb should go or stay has become a worrying problem wu mushi was.

Disheartened when she saw wu xuerong s crazy appearance after the onset of the disease ruoxing you accompany me to kill the baby okay I can t let my baby make the same mistake as rong rong I don t want my baby to suffer.

Xiao qiao always has the right to know you should discuss with xiao qiao regarding the health of the child we will ask professor qiao and a few experts study it in detail maybe it is not so pessimistic su ruoxing finally.

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Phone calls all indicating that he could not be connected qiao zhanchen s phone calls are rarely unanswered could it be that he is in danger su ruoxing contacted the bodyguards and qiao s family one after another saying that.

The big master when su ruoxing thought of qiao zhanchen s suffering she became furious there are stars in his eyes I ll be right there su ruoxing got into the car while making a phone call address gallop away master.

Police that my lord kidnapped professor qiao the phone was not hung up su ruoxing drove the car and continued to be with the lord pulling on the phone then the lord is so narrow minded even if I don t mention you won t the.

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Chip but the master should be able to clearly feel the effect right su ruoxing didn t really give the master acupuncture treatment yesterday so he deliberately treated the master with acupuncture a longevity pill was.

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Was all planned by the big boss in anger he went to the big boss to reason and persuaded him to stop but he was knocked unconscious and tied up the lord poured a basin of cold water on qiao zhanchen s head and slapped him.

Obsessed with your obsession if you continue like this you will be lost forever no one can save you the lord snorted coldly qiao zhanchen you have been rich and well clothed since childhood what you live is the life of a.

Insensitivity to me love and family affection are just tools for human beings to measure their value what about you growing up in an environment of love patriotism aiming for the people and loving su ruoxing is still a big.

You do to help me help me become a poor man like you qiao zhanchen still wanted to persuade him to abandon the dark and turn to the bright as long as you cooperate with me we are fully capable of becoming rich and every.

His chest trembled since ancient times which hero has not stepped on other people s corpses to gain power if you blindly follow the rules set by others you will only be the one being ruled you can only be a pariah qiao.

Their best to prolong their lifespan but it was all in vain at that time you will find that the wealth gained by the two generations of the poor will bring you happiness which is not as good as the family happiness in the.

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Ruoxing is here and the show will begin soon qiao zhanchen oh no my lord farewell on the other side su ruoxing was hanged by the lord after picking up the phone my eyelids kept twitching she thought of the micro.

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Mountain along the steps walked for half an hour and finally saw an old bungalow professor qiao must be locked up in this bungalow su ruoxing panted want to speed up the pace at this moment there was a sudden loud boom.

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Leaving in her heart and she wants to commit suicide again little xingchen tilted her head and thought for a while aunt muchi has been looking at the world on her phone today introductions from various places I want to.

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In his heart could it be a prophecy qiao zhanchen sent flowers to her chasing wife crematorium these flowers were given to ms su by mr qiao please sign for them then please send the flowers to the office su ruoxing was.

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To send flowers on the day of parting I have never seen him give her a branch or a half after the delivery man left su ruoxing was looking for su xinglie to take the children home when she received a call from qiao zhanchen.

When this moment actually came she felt at a loss buzz buzz the drone flew into the office and a shining diamond ring fell into su ruoxing s hands immediately afterwards there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the.

Office door and the door was knocked dong dong dong su ruoxing s heart tightened it couldn t be qiao zhanchen I m here right she opened the door to the office and saw a man standing at the door holding a bouquet of red.

Roses behind him there were several hospital staff on duty who seemed to be here to witness the happy moment of qiao zhanchen s successful proposal m su ruoxing felt a sense of embarrassment professor qiao this is too.

Sudden the man curled his lips if it weren t sudden we would have we agreed to remarry and the proposal ceremony was indispensable so we invited colleagues to come and bless us su ruoxing had no choice but to invite.

Everyone into the office I don t know who played the music of the wedding march then the man s handsome body knelt down on one knee holding up a big diamond ring su ruoxing marry me and colleagues all clapped their hands.

Ripple even if she was a little excited to see someone propose she didn t have it at the moment she just felt good depressed could it be that she no longer loves qiao zhanchen she shouldn t today she thought qiao zhanchen.

Would be buried in the sea of fire she wanted to live and die with him without any hesitation she must have been too stimulated today and too tired to activate her brain cells professor qiao I m really not in a good state.

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Heavy this is the end of the matter and this is the only way to go if the lord is still alive he must be dead it won t just disappear it will come out on its own if something really happened his father should send.

Country that s great just when su ruoxing s spirit was lifted the man finished the phone call pushing the door open and walking in what s so great su ruoxing hung up the phone the overlord s power may withdraw from china.

A trace of surprise flashed across the man s eyes the overlord withdraws what s the basis for it the police received the news now the people who have been placed in the qin group by the lord are all packing up their.

Order to evacuate huaxia but he issued no such order at all this incident just happened and he hasn t investigated who is behind it he probed the police know exactly what s going on as the subordinates of the lord they.

Naturally want to evacuate how could su ruoxing have thought that the real master was standing in front of her at this moment and the real qiao zhanchen was still alive and dead she was really tired today she yawned again.

And again feeling sleepy and wanted to sleep but in front of qiao zhanchen she didn t dare to say that she wanted to sleep lest he propose to go to the hotel to get a how long do cbd gummies last in urine room professor qiao you is there something important.

To go to the civil affairs bureau to collect the certificate tomorrow the man said and left the office without looking back su ruoxing looked at the man s stern back and was in a daze for a long time even if qiao zhanchen and.

During the quarrel stage every time she had something to leave she would hug her and kiss her later she understood that qiao zhanchen had a deep attachment and habit to her that s why even after divorce the two of them.

Sensing could it be that she sensed something abnormal in qiao zhanchen su ruoxing quickly sent a wechat video to xiao xingchen little xingchen had just taken a bath wrapped in a bath towel and was carried back to the.

Your daddy is different today little xingchen tilted her head and thought for a while every time I see daddy I hear daddy say in his heart that he loves little xingchen so much but today no yeah I can t hear anything can t.

Proposal his heartbeat didn t even speed up could it be that he deliberately hid his psychological activities why but after all the man is qiao zhanchen whom they all trust immensely and is the biological father of the.

Down to sleep she was confused and didn t know how long she had slept when her cell phone rang su ruoxing answered the phone in a daze and qiao zhanchen s voice came from the other end of the phone su ruoxing do you miss.

Twitched her eyebrows didn t you already propose you still need three years no matter I said three years for three years you are not allowed to touch other men not even the lord hey the great master may be in heaven how.

Surface but she was actually surprised qiao zhanchen didn t tell her at all about this meeting qiao zhanchen had already submitted resignation letters from all his companies truly handing over all power to his successors.

My memory what how long do cbd gummies last in urine time is the meeting bai zhenbo knew the meeting from su ruoxing s tone and he was relieved mr su the meeting starts Avana Cbd Gummies how to increase penia size at nine o clock and professor qiao is already in the meeting room joe the professor is.

Marriage certificate and telling her not to divorce no matter what this phone call seemed like a dream but not a dream call it a dream every word on the phone including qiao zhanchen s tone was too real to be true say it.

Zhanchen in the dream told her to get her marriage certificate today su ruoxing looked at the time it was just before nine in the morning when qiao zhanchen finishes the meeting he will definitely urge her to go to the.

Meetings in the afternoon and the time is fully booked however professor qiao the professor said that the appointment time with the civil affairs bureau has been extended from yesterday to today and the appointment cannot.

Take a photo of our marriage certificate and post it on moments in a fit of anger su ruoxing agreed during the lunch break not long after su ruoxing hugged the silk quilt she started dreaming and talking on the phone with.

Qiao zhanchen again this time she was angry and mocked qiao zhanchen as soon as she opened her mouth professor qiao since putting work first why are you remarrying me you and kiva cbd gummies work to remarry su ruoxing are you angry how.

Dare I be angry with professor qiao but professor qiao even entrusted xiaobai to do it for him to obtain the certificate as for the bridal chamber should I also find a top star to do it for professor qiao su ruoxing do you.

Xiaobai and I received the certificate the lunch break was very short after the alarm clock went off su ruoxing woke up the mobile phone was lying quietly beside the sofa and it was not in her hand so this time the call.

Treat it su ruoxing didn t think much at first but after several times of tossing she vaguely felt that the female family member was delaying her time and the patient s condition was not as serious as he showed but she didn.

Reached four o clock in the afternoon before I know it bai zhenbo had been waiting at the door of the hospital for a long time seeing that su ruoxing didn t come out he felt anxious after all the civil affairs bureau is a.

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Like some people who do unclean things for fear of people knowing miss do how long do cbd gummies last in urine you have any misunderstanding about me you came to the hospital today just to hold me back and prevent me from coming to the civil affairs bureau.

Error untie a third party stepped in and you just covered up the misunderstanding do you think that if you have money you can do whatever you want what are you talking about I m a third party su ruoxing was so shocked that.

Name and what is your relationship with him when did you start why do you insist that I am a third party are you not allowed to be a third party a third party why should I trust you the woman was also very excited and more.

Confident than ed daily pills she was I am his girlfriend han yining I am in love with him we have been in love for eight years we have been together since high school after all who is the third party eight years of love su ruoxing heard.

Girlfriend all these years he actually kept hiding it from her I don t believe it if you show evidence even if you are his first love that is not the same as being in love for eight years of course I have evidence do you.

Xiaobai did professor qiao say he would come to the civil affairs bureau no professor qiao is still in a meeting and he doesn t have much time to spare mr su I how long do cbd gummies last in urine Best Cbd Gummies m at the gate of cbd gummies robin roberts the civil affairs bureau and I ll go in.

Master wants to marry me ma am I can t be wrong it s you ma am su ruoxing master ordered no matter what no matter what you do you have to ask madam to come over quickly su ruoxing was speechless and choked I don t even.

Dumbfounded and doubted life the master they called was even less likely to be her boyfriend who had been in love for eight years therefore su ruoxing s background was so complicated not only did she seduce her boyfriend.

Furious when she saw the man s stern back isn t this qiao zhanchen why didn t the bodyguard admit it after walking around for a long time she understood that it must be qiao zhanchen who was afraid that his identity would be.

Surprised professor qiao I heard that you have eight years of rich experience in love and your secrecy is comparable to that of an agent eight years qiao zhanchen calculated silently and it was almost eight years year he.

It up casually she had a crush on qiao zhanchen since she was a child where did she get her first boyfriend unexpectedly when she said that she had a first boyfriend qiao zhanchen s handsome face was visible to the naked.

Eye gloomy down the corners of his eyes were scarlet and his expression was extremely serious su ruoxing maybe you don t believe it but my first love is you su ruoxing s mind seemed to have been electrified and he was.

Strongly I feel that my love for qiao zhanchen has returned su ruoxing was about to throw himself into the man s arms when the tall man in front of him suddenly fell short I saw qiao zhanchen kneeling on one knee looking up.

At her with a how long do cbd gummies last in urine handsome face with sharp edges and corners su how long do cbd gummies last in urine ruoxing I may not be by your side all the time in the future but my heart will always be with you and the children this remarriage we will stick to our agreement.

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