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People who are busy in the middle of the night and only sleep during the day sleep she insinuated suddenly turned the noodles over and threw them unceremoniously on qiao zhanchen oh professor qiao must be hungry why are.
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Wearing a golden mask last night and cheated me with a bitter trick leave him forget it this is my private matter why should I explain it to you as he spoke su ruoxing confessed to qin haiqing he made a gesture to leave.
Pretended to be angry turned around and asked loudly master what do you mean is it possible that I m just here to watch the fun if you browse around you can see some secrets that shouldn t be seen your lord thinks too.
Least I can still be respected su ruoxing said then turned to the person who stopped her several thugs showed a determined posture please step aside or don t blame me for being rude several thugs looked at each other and.
You taste the taste of a celestial maiden scattering flowers voice as soon as it fell su ruoxing suddenly raised his hand and a white powder fluttered over the thugs like scattered flowers she actually poisoned several.
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Lord said with a bang he took out a small dagger carved from gold one life for another as long as you stick this dagger into qiao zhanchen s chest I will let you die qin haiqing lives and guarantees his longevity su.
Ruoxing picked up the master s golden dagger and his red lips curled coldly the master thinks highly of me su ruo xing I am a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken how can I kill qiao zhanchen who is always.
Protected by multiple bodyguards su ruoxing you can bring down several of my men but you can t deal with qiao zhanchen the lord leaned down and the golden mask approached su ruoxing his cold black eyes were at the same.
Thousands of people under one person superior it s a deal I asked you one last time is the master sure that you want me to waste my time and energy on this kind of useless thing meaningful tasks instead of letting me.
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Disciple do you still expect my old club to send me off with gongs and drums su ruoxing didn t care and felt uncomfortable at least the difficulty of this task has increased significantly it s difficult for her to connect.
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Mistress is regarded as an industrial chain the three views are shattered su ruoxing flipped through the classroom handouts she had received and was immediately made to laugh and cry by the trilogy of being a junior the.
Ruoxing was speechless and choked I have to admit that a man is really a dog so he can be manipulated by the mistress accurately only the wife is blind men act as human beings and expect them to be responsible so when their.
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Outside the door qiao zhanchen is here su ruoxing suddenly remembered that his mission was to get close to qiao zhanchen and he didn t really come here to deliver clothes she remembered that in the primary three training.