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Door of the room several times seeing that there was still no movement in the room I had to go to work first su ruoxing opened her blurred eyes and saw qiao zhanchen s magnified handsome face pressed against her face still.

Moment instead of worrying about gains and losses it is better to live in the moment and enjoy the process anyway he gave her enough financial resources and the power of her boyfriend and she also had enough ability to.

A new life huan can t she also find a new love what the hell if he turns his back on him at that time she will find a handsome little fresh meat and piss him off su ruoxing enlightened himself all the way but his chest.

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Confused but he didn t forget to the woman embraced her tightly buried her handsome face in the crescent of her neck and said in a low voice hey pregnant women should sleep more we will sleep with the baby su ruoxing.

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Phone but heard wu mushi s high and low sobs coming from the phone ruoxing I m about to vomit blood from anger woo what vomit blood su ruo xing was startled suddenly and woke up wu mushi is rarely so fragile and.

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Happened none of it happened mushi maybe this is also an oolong incident qiao chixuan likes to do this kind of thing let s give him a chance to explain after mr qiao wakes up live her his tough body was pressed against the.

S boxer briefs were brought into the bathroom but qiao zhanchen mercilessly kicked them out what did you come in for I ll give you a change of clothes I prepared these before they are brand new and have been washed you can.

Fingertips accidentally scratched his huge morning penis her fingers stagnated and she retracted with a blushing face hand but in the next moment the man grabbed her hand and pressed it change it for me su ruoxing s palm.

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Helped him remove the bottom of the four corners put on the trousers and carefully help him pull them up after finishing washing qiao zhanchen hugged su ruoxing s delicate body and lowered his head to be at eye level with.

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The bathroom with a straight face put on his clothes and returned to his meticulous handsome and ascetic appearance what did he think of who cheated su ruo xing xing handed the photo on the phone to qiao zhanchen mr qiao.

Mean mu poetry must accept reality and be a strong single mother xuanxuan went to the purpose of this move is very clear to get everything from qiao s family wu mushi leaves qiao s house and she and the baby in her.

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Is ignorant and ignorant she is stepped on and she has to thank others the past events are still vivid in his mind su ruoxing suffered a lot of grievances from zhang yufu why did qiao zhanchen only see the bright side of.

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At that time she would treat su ruoxing hypocritically su ruoxing resisted for a while and was anxious to death unexpectedly su ruoxing not only did not try to persuade him to stay but also said boldly okay I approved.

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Determined to win qiao zhanchen so will she still lose to zhang yufu this time su ruoxing s heart was full of ups and downs and he was very uncertain yufu zhang regained his confidence at that time su ruoxing s cell phone.

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Make use of the problem and be a good family it was because of her that he made a fool of himself I have also become a frightened bird no matter what happens I don t dare to go to brother zhan chen easily qiao chixuan s.

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Losing this baby he can be with other people he prefers a woman to marry and have children he can live happily in the future and there is no need to share such a bad thing ruoxing I ll take wu mushi back you are also.

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Doesn t mean I won t su ruoxing interrupted lu yaning forcefully mrs qiao you have nothing to do here please leave su ruoxing you actually ordered me not my boss what right do you have to order me lu yaning was furious.

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Chixuan showing his good impression towards the master the master did not do anything special and there was nothing suspicious about it the big master s appearance in the cafe is the biggest suspicion if it was a restaurant.

The master went to eat she would believe it but it was a coffee shop the master went to drink coffee and asked for a private room and there was no date she believed him a ghost she dared sure enough the lord did not meet.

Qiao chixuan by chance this time but premeditated su ruoxing got into the car and dialed the master s phone master I want to see you where are you you are in the hospital accompanying qiao chixuan and you have no time.

Cheap full of tricks and vicious you kill people without blinking an eye you are a queen but I still like you so much I hate myself so much xuanxuan after thinking about it it must be that you were too coquettish in bed.

Move her hands and feet but her head was clear lu chengji deliberately angered her but she beat without him she could only stare at him viciously the point is the lord heard all these words that hurt her she was really.

Chixuan he puchi and laughed out loud su ruoxing told him to stay close to lu chengji so that lu yaning s mother and daughter would not kill lu chengji again lu s mother was even more ruthless and directly exposed qiao.

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Baby mother lu hurriedly brought tea to greet qiao chengwang future in laws xuanxuan and my son chengji have a very deep relationship xuanxuan would rather escape the marriage than be with chengji qiao chengwang frowned.

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Is that su ruoxing s arms are still wrapped around the master s neck it seemed like she was taking the initiative and not being forced at all qiao zhanchen s eyes were scarlet red and his whole body was filled with rage su.

Ruoxing you are so eager to man are you looking for my brother on purpose but su ruoxing waved his hand at qiao zhanchen and made a silent gesture sh be safe don t be impatient come and help me move him away at this.

Board of the desk there was also a dog man on her body raging wildly on her soft body he he completely forgot that she was a pregnant woman carrying his baby su ruoxing was so angry that she wanted to strangle qiao to death.

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Will resume my career as a doctor when I go abroad qiao zhan chen s words made su ruoxing feel chilled qiao zhanchen you know that the medical level in the country is not advanced enough at present and the doctors in the.

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When talking never act like a baby and don t say a word of nonsense qiao zhanchen s first thought was whether su ruoxing was talking on the phone with wu muchi after all the chat patterns between women and women are.

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