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She really just wanted to wander around the jiaofang division to see if she macro calculator weight loss could find anything unexpected but she followed the two servants to the back door and saw a familiar figure flashing through the crack in the door.

Expect that there would be a little tail following behind him so he walked calmly along the way but when duoduo found out that chi yuan had come to the ruined temple that they had set foot on before an inexplicable feeling.

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Him I originally wanted to come here to see if there are any people in need of help no there is no new vigor here and it s difficult but it s all here so I simply went around in the bamboo forest chi yuan came to duoduo.

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The others had already finished interrogating all those who should be interrogated and were packing their things to return to dali temple in the following days in order to prevent any more deaths among jiaofang si dali.

Temple sent people on duty to surround jiaofang si so that not even a fly could fly go in I don t know if the guarding at dali temple was effective or the other party s goal had been achieved no one in the jiaofang division.

The storm a real storm is coming soon everyone in dali temple leaves early and returns late every day busy like bees even those who seem to have nothing to do with dali temple zhang qian who has such a sense of belonging.

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Almost fell off the small stool before he could sit still duoduo had already jumped to his side in two steps dragging him arms running out I ve thought of a way hey fire fire uncle wang shouted from behind jumping on his.

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On the pot for a while and then turn on the pot for a while and finally the soup is dry and a pot of braised pork is out of the pot however when uncle wang looked at the braised pork on the plate no matter how he looked.

At it he felt that it was different from chi yuan s chi yuan didn t have the time to care about the braised pork at this time he was dragged to ruyang prince s mansion by duoduo it s rare for xu jintang to be honest these.

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Many temperaments that were just like this he was afraid that he would not be able to scare her so he dragged zhu jingyan out after all many people who care about talking too much are zhu jingyan I didn t want to.

Interfere I just asked duoduo defended himself xu jintang smiled hehe you d better ask and don t ask this matter is not a joke if something goes wrong you don t have to pay for your father s pension he won t live to be old.

Maybe when the time comes you and your father will walk together on the road to the underworld in the next life instead of father and daughter they are brother and sister it was written on many faces speechless my mother.

Face was full of sure enough after all this you still say you don t want to interfere in the court no this is zhu jingyan s matter you have to what are you mixing in are you really not afraid of death or you still don t.

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now definitely not giving up but planning to find a breakthrough from others in this capital is there anyone more reliable than him.

Can t tell you what I want to ask duo duo picked out some things he could tell about the case and told xu jintang after xu jintang listened he looked thoughtful pondered for a long time and then asked hesitantly so do you.

Duo duo moved towards xu jintang and leaned towards him chi yuan who was originally sitting on duo duo s left side also moved a bit changed his position and sat on xu jintang s right side three chairs are connected.

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Friends rong yuliang you know it s the stray dog who went to dali temple to show off his might duoduo nodded saying that she might not know anything else but when it came to the gelding she had a picture in her mind this.

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Ying now that aunt cheng ying has been killed dad guang has no thoughts after the case is investigated he will not run to jiaofang division again thinking of cheng ying duoduo s expression darkened when xu jintang saw.

This he wished he could slap himself twice look what he did he really deserves to die knowing that the court lady and the little girl had an unusual relationship he he even told the little girl that she was sad what is he.

Let s talk about these people again xu jintang was embarrassed for a long time it was chi yuan who brought the topic back to normal xu jintang gave chi yuan a grateful look you boy you can accomplish great things this taifu.

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Felt that it was a bit inappropriate to say this in front of the little girl but many eyes lit up obviously very interested in this matter thirty days a month he lives in the jiaofang division for 20 days run to the jiaofang.

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Head he met chi yuan s eyes that seemed to be talking his bright eyes seemed to be asking do you go there often I ve never been there xu jintang shivered in fright his heart deborra lee furness weight loss has already turned towards the bright moon how.

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Yuan was amused by duoduo and gently scratched her little nose twice with his fingers go back and make it for you what do you want to eat french fries duo duo s eyes lit up and he could see that he really wanted to eat it.

Returned to dali temple they were fine but the driver was drooling back at dali temple chi yuan dove into the kitchen guang qingan zhang qian and cang chen are all outside investigating zhu jingyan just came back from.

Person but he always likes to visit kilns this is also a joke among the people it was even made into nursery rhymes and sung all over the city this hobby almost caused zhuang zhengqing to be dismissed from office but then he.

Young he was not bad looking zhu jingyan told some more about zhuang zhengqing s past and then brought a lot of I went to look through the files there are not many records about zhuang zhengqing in jiaofang division when.

And daughter got into the carriage and went all the way to teach go to fangji the jiaofang secretary has proposed a new nanny but because the case has not yet been concluded the business has not yet started to reopen seeing.

But I didn t expect that dali people from the temple came to investigate the case every three days that master zhu has a good face but whoever is stared at coldly will be scared no matter how exquisite she was she still.

Motioned for grandma chen to open the door as early as she embarked on this familiar road grandma chen almost cried this is not over yet in just a few days since she took office she has already been interrogated several.

Charge she began to cooperate with the investigation if she had known this was the case she shouldn t have sharpened her head and drilled it but there s nothing she can do she s getting older and no one will like her anymore.

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To tentatively ask yes master taifu zhu jingyan nodded invisibly grandma chen was relieved in one breath it turned out that they didn t ask her but zhuang zhengqing I haven t served you before nanny chen said truthfully zhu.

The reason for the long term love is that he has a soft spot for jiaofangsi but he is very don t fall in love with a woman he just likes girls who are sixteen or seventeen years old except for the fact that cheng ying who he.

Families of officials in trouble in the jiaofang department who has ever served zhuang zhengqing zhu jingyan asked bluntly aunt chen didn t even have to think about it cheng ying master zhuang asks cheng ying to accompany.

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Qingliu in the world and he plays an important role in the literary world if he was moved without sufficient evidence dali temple really doesn t seem to be an account of the world there must be conclusive evidence in order to.

Black figure like an old kite jumping out from the wall it s him again duoduo only thought that this person looked familiar he must have met him in the ruined temple before and the appearance of this person made duoduo feel.

Want to go outside taifu s mansion and keep an eye on him do you want to come with me chi yuan said ah his handsome face full of astonishment go to taifu s mansion to keep an eye on us just you and me no master zhu and the.

Others didn t know about this when chi yuan asked duoduo no longer wanted to take advantage of the man in black um I chi yuan knew by looking at her appearance that she must be planning to run out secretly of no chi yuan.

Flatly rejected it master zhu said now is a troubled time and we can t let you go out and run around chi yuan grabbed xu duoduo lowered his voice lowered his voice and lowered his head he looked at duoduo seriously and.

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Panoramic view of the scenery of taifu mansion lots of fun to watch should I say it or not people with women here are much softer than their dali temple duoduo suddenly thought that if aunt cheng ying was still alive maybe.

It wouldn t be long before daddy guang s house could have such a such scenery thinking of aunt cheng ying when duoduo looked at the mansion again his eyes lost their tenderness isn t it just that the layout of the house is.

Better but the owner of this mansion is dirty and dirty no matter how elegant the decoration of the mansion is his character has been ruined by the owner chiyuan saw duoduo s expression change but he didn t know what duoduo.

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Ordinary officials rioting in the backyard and lax family management may be a crime but for zhuang zhengqing who is born to be unrestrained and has a high position it is strange that his backyard is not lively so even.

Yushitai only in the past few years will use this to impeach zhuang zhengqing after a long time it was really useless and yu shitai gave up this operation naturally duoduo didn t dare to expect to bring down zhuang.

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Secret room now that the evidence is solid they can search the taifu s mansion there s another ledger just find the ledger well zhuang zhengqing the grand tutor has done his best but that account book is in zhuang.

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The emperor orders to search zhuang zhengqing s mansion it will inevitably chill the hearts of the veterans what s so difficult xu duoduo diandian ran to the front we piled up these evidences in front of zhuang zhengqing.

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Zhu jingyan beckoned his hands bring it up the police quickly brought up all the evidence that was brought up from the secret room in the basement of cheng ying s house zhuang zhengqing saw some familiar things and felt.

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Like he doesn t know how to behave after gritting his teeth zhuang zhengqing looked at the backs of zhu jingyan and others and raised the corners of his lips search it see what they can find waiting for nothing to be found.

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To really know nothing he hypnotized him with the copper coins just now and he has already explained everything confessed including the account book that he just hid under the tiger in his room as a result when he turned.

Outsiders to know let s go to the servants room first where is your room housekeeper the housekeeper was shocked what is his room for could it be zhu da does the person already know that the account book is in his room.

Impossible he just hid the account book in his room and never told anyone even the master doesn t know where the account book is how could zhu jingyan know could it be that he still has the ability to read minds then isn t.

Wonder it s hard strange when he went out to show off to his peers his peers looked at him strangely at that time he thought those people envied him now that I think about it it was just sympathy for him and pity him when.

The housekeeper was doubting his life duoduo had already led the police and pushed open his door there was a creak sound and the housekeeper suddenly came back to his senses hey sir wrong search not this one no matter how.

The master treats him he must have his reasons his sincerity towards the master cannot be changed but he just took two steps forward when he was blocked by a sword look up at the hand holding the sword he saw guang qingan s.

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It can be easily broken down but he said that he lived here a few days ago and moved out after it rained two days ago there were signs of habitation in this house which made sense likewise it would make sense if the house.

Yes what do you mean did you see he was lying no he believed everything he made up but my father knows the .

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unknown zhu jingyan was originally planning to let the policeman pretend to search now I heard many people say that.

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Interrogating him was actually a child he was still disdainful but when duoduo sat on that chair and glanced at him vaguely a sense of oppression also followed miss the jailer brought tea to duoduo duoduo nodded slightly and.

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People drinking more water there was no other sound in the interrogation room it was eerily quiet finally the housekeeper couldn t help it anymore you ask why don t you ask anything duoduo raised his head glanced at her.

Shudder but it made many more impatient okay okay I m too lazy to ask let s wait for the punishment the jailer and duoduo all agreed how many times have we worked together it s called a tacit understanding by the time hia.

Was too frightened to hesitate any longer it s keto gummies health risk like there s a machine gun in his mouth bang bang bang bang he says everything in taifu s mansion on the internet many unfinished stories about the affair between the.

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On the crook of his knee the question is about your master s crimes not yours ah that s right the butler nodded and began to talk about those dirty things about their master in short he committed all the things mentioned.

Made the record had a sore wrist and the one who put down the pen at that moment he almost cried I don t want to write anymore in my life hurry up hurry up the always good tempered master couldn t help but swear the butler.

Apart from roasting the bird in a brazier at first and then frightening him with some torture instruments that had been eliminated long ago they really didn t do anything the prison was dark with only candles flickering.

Intention of resting he took the others and went out to continue the investigation the victim s home was searched again some in the girls of the jiaofang division have families outside and le ji of the jiaofang division is.

Out the case there is no conclusion yet how could zhu jingyan and the others rest let s go out too duoduo rubbed his eyes and soon he was in good spirits again chi yuan came in from the outside with a food box heard a lot.

Of words did not object just said eat something before going out okay duoduo jumped off the bed with a smile and put on his shoes socks cang xiaowan already after washing hand the veil to her and wipe her face first after.

The three of them packed up and went out it has been some time since the kidnapping case but once bitten by a snake the children on the street are afraid of well ropes for ten years it was still much less than before at.

Least there are no more children running around in the streets holding candies and singing nursery rhymes many hearts are filled with emotion chi yuan and cang xiaowan adderall weight loss guessed what she was thinking when they saw duo duo s.

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Market like to order a big bowl of herbal tea here and then sit in groups on small benches and talk a lot the topics of conversation can range from the prince s concubine cheating on the guard to the daughter in law next door.

Are no servants following do you know who this person is some people showed expressions of I understand outdoors tsk tsk these days even outsiders can come out and show off a flash of anger flashed in cang xiaowan s eyes chi.

Mother said my father will definitely come back he won t refuse ours you don t have a father my father will definitely come back cang xiaowan cried and she said that her father had gone to the battlefield and she stood on.

Just now they pointed at each other and said that they were men from outside the house they were scolded by a group of people in the tea shop so much that they couldn t even lift their heads and ran away in despair seeing that.

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