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Door in the carriage lan yu er slowly lowered the curtain of the carriage her eyes were full of hatred and fear that s the little girl from dali temple rong yuliang knelt at lan yu er s feet and saw many people through the.

Above his head and rong yuliang did not dare to delay at all yes yes I ll go check it out right now the carriage didn t even listen and he actually jumped out of the moving carriage even though he was very skilled in martial.

Arts he almost fell to pieces behind him the carriage had already run away rong yuliang calmed down his emotions and walked towards the tea shop where he had just seen many of them mother mother said check but he has been.

That person the empress had tried all her best and tried every means after finally getting rid of .

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that person she will naturally not leave any more trouble for herself regardless of whether it is true or not if that girl.

Falls into the eyes of the empress it will be a capital crime however if that girl is really the little detective from dali temple does this mean that zhu jingyan has also got involved and is still standing on the opposite.

Side of the empress although dali temple had always been loyal to the emperor before it had never been an enemy of the empress what s going on now what medicine did zhu jingyan take wrongly rong yu thought about it in her.

Yuliang also concluded that what the queen saw must be the girl from dali temple I think they used some tricks before I came here deceived him disguise rong yuliang patted his head in annoyance but he actually forgot about.

It it doesn t matter now that we know where the person is it s not easy to take action dali temple is not a piece of iron but he said that when many people hurriedly returned .

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Inherit it so just let me be self willed for a while longer uncle li I will be chained to the sect in the future the last sentence moved uncle li s heart however young master after is it really worth it to be a servant.

Before he had time to ask him what he wanted to do there were already many voices talking to cang xiaowan outside the door uncle li is leaving now I ll see the young sect leader next time uncle li hurriedly left a word.

Dust which was enough to show their hard work today hmm chi yuan responded in a low voice still thinking about the meaning of uncle li s words he knew uncle li very well before joining yunlaizong uncle li was a character.

Washed up sit down at the table on time guangqing arranged for cangchen to frighten cangchen into a fright why are you so dazed let s eat cangchen handed over the soup bowl to guang qing an frowned and said hesitantly i.

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Qing an has to be cautious that s right I ll tell them later to cheer them up guang qingan said she also patted duoduo on the back don t be afraid duoduo daddy will protect you duoduo nodded lightly I know but she didn t.

Understand why the queen wanted to attack her what is the relationship between the queen and the people who are chasing her and her mother will the murderer she has always wanted to track down be the queen another point she.

Just ate with a solemn expression before the meal was finished the yamen servant rushed in in a panic sir this is bad several people almost had post traumatic stress disorder at this sentence the chopsticks in many hands.

Fell to the ground sir it s bad zhuang zhengqing committed suicide naturally it was impossible to continue eating duo duoduo pocketed the stack of snacks on the table and followed the adults outside wait until zhu jingyan.

Carry knives poisons and the like with which they can injure or kill scottsdale weight loss center themselves they have to be naked he had to go around in front of the jailer before he could put on his prison uniform during this period it was enough to.

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Have been investigating this case for several days it took a lot of effort to catch someone but they were obsessed with it unexpectedly there was still a moth has anyone been here continue to ask without even thinking about.

S just a scapegoat they don t need to kill zhuang zhengqing the best choice is to threaten zhuang zhengqing to take this matter down and close the case but the other party didn t do this .

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they killed zhuang zhengqing directly.

Because they wanted to blame dali temple prisoners if something went wrong in the prison of dali temple dali temple must bear some responsibility zhuang zhengqing is still a prisoner who has not yet been convicted although.

Emperor won t be able to blatantly protect zhu jingyan after all the dead person belongs to the emperor teacher the emperor wants to give zhuang zhengqing some face it s okay don t worry it s just a little bit of blame and.

Being scolded a few times won t kill anyone zhu jingyan thinks very clearly the most urgent thing now is how to proceed with this case as soon as these words came out everyone s faces became completely gloomy especially.

Stunned for a moment I stand and watch duoduo burst out laughing she never thought that uncle zhang is such an interesting person you can just sit and watch cang xiaowan has already called the jailer to move the stool over in.

The big prison in front of him zhuang zhengqing s body is still on the ground zhang qian told a bad joke only two little girls laughed and they were a little speechless they didn t understand humorous no believe it or not.

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Days they ve written off everything he s done before is this fair to those who died zhu jingyan took a deep breath intellectually he felt that he shouldn t just trust zhang qian but zhang qian s various performances after.

The chair then what should we do now the only clue was also broken so how could they continue to investigate I have an idea duoduo raised his hand when everyone was looking at her she quietly said he said keep this matter.

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Anyone so why did he provoke him sure enough uncle li did what he said and said he wanted to test the trust of the people in dali temple in him so he did it that night still doing so absolutely xiaochi did you hear any.

Black shadow was not obvious in the darkness young sect leader aren t you leaving yet uncle li held a letter in his hand and put it on the bed there seemed to be some faint disappointment in his voice young sect master really.

It is they will question and question but he didn t he didn t ask anything only heard the young suzerain said he didn t know so he left uncle li has been secretly protecting chi yuan during this time and he also knows a.

Really went to find many and cang xiaowan the two little sisters were still asleep the candle was on and they were lying on the bed muttering cang xiaowan was not in dali temple during this period and he told cang xiaowan.

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In the court you can t say that zhang qian rubbed duo duo s head the soft touch made zhang qian sigh in his heart disaster no wonder guang qingan and the others always like to rub their heads a lot it turns out it feels so.

Good he couldn t help but turn his head to look at cang xiaowan and the speed of his other hand was faster than his brain could react before my brain could react my hand had already reached over ah the little girl is so soft.

Felt a little novel and even touched zhang qian s hand zhang qian s whole body softened and his always gloomy and cold face softened a lot in a daze many people were keenly aware of zhang qian s change and the corners of.

Up there let alone the court some things are shown to others don t be deceived by these superficial things cang xiaowan nodded lightly feeling the furry little head under his hand zhang qian s heart was even softer duoduo.

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To zhuang zhengqing but now it s even harder once zhuang zhengqing died there were no clues left and dali temple had to face difficulties in the court although they have thought of a way to deal with it what if there is no.

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On the table and played with his fingers in fact the two of them are the more patient among the children but after all you are still a child it is correct if you can t sit still normal zhang qian probably felt that he.

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Have reasons I saw his cheerful steps without even a trace of hesitation or pause but I didn t see any difficulty believe it or not he will come back tomorrow morning and then he can continue to be his yousi cheng as if.

Broaden an was even more angry wishing she could pry open her many little heads to see what was stored in her head he treated this little girl for nothing before it s great now to stand by zhang qian s side and start.

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Recent situation no one expected that guang qing an s words would become a prophecy zhang qian came back before dawn it came back unconsciously when the yamen servant heard movement at the door he went out tremblingly to have.

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It was a little awkward and stepped back cang chen saw his actions and could only feel helpless and amused this man are you okay zhu jingyan stepped forward and asked how is that possible lu shian s voice was much weaker and.

He could hear that he was out of breath no wonder he was busy for half the night and remained highly concentrated for nearly three hours it was too much for him to bear in this situation he can only do his best to obey the.

Inexplicably depressing a bad guess flashed through many hearts you what s the matter today why are you talking so much to me chi yuan paused to stir up the soup and then pretended that nothing happened you go out all day.

Where are you going chi yuan pretended nothing happened that s what I did what if one day you wake up and find that I have disappeared out of thin air what will you do there is only one thought in duoduo s mind it s still.

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Possibility she felt as sad as if she couldn t breathe chi yuan s heart also sank he knew a lot to say can be done but at this time duoduo asked why do you want to leave without saying goodbye chi yuan panicked for a.

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Zhang qian what are you looking at if you are going to die quickly abdicate and make way for someone better don t occupy the manhole without shit you want to grab duoduo from him but you also want him to look good go.

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Promise or I won t let duoduo go to worship you after you die you I don t know but duoduo promised us to provide paper burning services three times a year woolen cloth zhang qian is this something to be proud of he couldn t.

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Now it has reached the limit then why not your current situation is still unstable so I have to keep an eye on you zhang qian blinked and an inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes his cold heart seemed to be touched again.

Come on he raised his voice and shouted someone immediately responded outside the door mr zhang the door was pushed open and the sunlight squeezed in from the outside for the first time making the room much brighter zhang.

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T come out but she couldn t help it she has to find out let s see why lan yu er wants to kill her she and her mother have been hunted down is it the queen s handwriting and uncle zhang it is said that his kung fu is not bad.

Ha ha he wanted to sneak duoduo into the palace and hide it from zhu jingyan it was exciting to think about it zhu jingyan was reading official documents when suddenly a gust of wind as he passed by he shivered feeling as if.

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Ability not so bad xu jintang said it proudly but he didn t see the calculation in the queen s eyes alas lan yu er sighed pretendingly may duoduo secretly said something bad she was just about to wink at xu jintang beside her.

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Beautiful lan yu er he curled his lips into a chuckle and didn t take many surprises into his heart what s the use of being amazed even if it s genuine her goal is far more than just a dowry or a palace what she wants is this.

Imperial city and this world what she wants is for beiyan s jiangshan to change his surname to lan and lan yuer s surname to be lan she has been working hard on this but whatever stands in the way everything in front of her.

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First person he couldn t please was her how could a four year old girl like her reveal the secrets of the tian family since that s the case duoduo has a way to solve this matter duoduo looked at lan best time to take omega 3 for weight loss yu er firmly her eyes.

Be a hindrance to the empress but will become a help once this incident breaks out in the future the empress can still take this opportunity get rid of a powerful enemy the corners of duoduo s lips evoked a faint smile i.

Don t know what the empress would like lan yu er s face suddenly darkened she thought of many ways to make things difficult for zhu jingyan when zhuang zhengqing died but she didn t expect that zhu jingyan would report the.

Matter to the emperor early arrive in the end not only did she fail to bring down zhu the banquet also made zhu jingyan lose face in front of the emperor and he lost a capable assistant duo duo came up with this idea lan yu.

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Lan yu er said in a cold voice but do you know what will happen to this palace if the emperor gets angry with deep love I will never embarrass the empress because of the hairpin all the time duo helped to find the phoenix.

Hairpin there is no impenetrable wall in this world so things might not reach the ears of the emperor at that time how will the empress explain to the emperor lan yu er gritted her teeth what a sharp toothed little.

The room they finally bowed to each other with a smile on the corner of xu zhizhong s lips when lan yu er asked him why he came when she came she responded gently the banquet is about to begin and I have come here.

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