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Bored you can still play games together bicker and fight and have a good time the boy sent him away su ruoxing always felt weird when listening to the words of these two men no one in our family wants to have a baby what.

Kind of confinement is it two men try it quickly su xinglie had no choice but to eat voraciously trying to arouse su ruoxing s appetite su ruoxing tasted xiao chenchen s cooking skills and said wow this taste is really at.

Trees and I came to enjoy the shade how can there be such a good thing in this world that is cheap for me su ruoxing smiled bitterly it must be because she is in the midst of blessings and doesn t know how to be blessed with.

Muscles and couldn t help feeling it s so similar even the texture is exactly the same as professor qiao s when mentioning qiao zhanchen the two a man came forward gossiping master I heard that you were with professor.

Qiao again last night I want to strike while the iron is hot and remarry as soon as possible su ruoxing s face turned red they were together last night but nothing happened how does this make her explain to the two big men.

Amplify his voice and shouted little star the master is here su ruoxing my heart tightened I had promised not to meet but now I have to meet again so soon but everyone who comes is a guest and as the host she should.

Master said he was just taking little xingchen home I ll keep him for dinner and he he said he had eaten and then left did little star and his master quarrel again it s not a quarrel professor qiao should be very busy su.

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Group I have to go to the hospital to give qiao lixuan acupuncture and I have to go back to the hospital the su family looked at their two sons especially for erbao she was afraid that the gang rape and murder would leave.

A shadow on the child s young mind so she squeezed in more time to spend with erbao during this period qiao zhanchen did what he said and never appeared in front of her again even when the biotechnology company held.

Clicking out a photo of a man from his mobile phone and handing it to su ruoxing my cousin is unmarried twenty eight years old not a sex partner but a blind date that s right I ve been thinking about finding a girlfriend i.

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Me don t try to get men for me in the future otherwise no matter how much energy you spend on me I will not pay you let alone appreciate it okay the rich woman has the final say zhang tulei went happily call your cousin.

After su ruoxing got off work he was escorted by zhang tulei to a high end chinese restaurant on time as soon as she stepped into the restaurant she realized that qiao chixuan was there a pair of tableware was placed.

Your blind date when the man on signs of penis growth the blind date shouted everyone s eyes were focused on on su ruoxing s body even qiao chixuan who had her back turned to her turned her head and looked at her mockingly she at this moment su.

Ruoxing was unable to retreat and felt embarrassed to advance it was simply a large scale social death scene su ruoxing was so embarrassed that she could dig out three rooms and two living rooms with her toes she wanted to.

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Wushan is not a cloud I ve been a husband and wife with qiao zhanchen and I m afraid there is no man in this world who can make her fall in love mr zhang let me tell you the truth I actually love my ex husband very much su.

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Adapt to the new daddy and new family su ruoxing stumbled and finally finished this sentence his head went blank and he didn t know what he said I don t know which part qiao zhanchen heard he didn t just hear the first half.

Of the sentence and laughed at her for not letting him go did he professor su don t worry my cousin told me that you are divorced and have three children son I understand all these situations and I will treat your child as.

Can t beat or scold otherwise you will be called a vicious stepdad but if you raise other people s children politely that s hypocrisy and it s not really good for the children in the end after all the hard work I ended up.

Not being human inside and out su ruoxing curled her lips stiffly imagining the mess of a second marriage and reorganizing a family and she had already denied all of this in her heart it s more fun to raise children alone.

And it s not that I can t afford it the blind date man didn t know what su ruoxing was thinking and was still swearing to express his determination su ruoxing was restless and wanted to end this blind date quickly mr zhang.

Triangle can we still coexist peacefully professor su then let s start dating tonight do you have any objections su ruoxing who was wandering in the air heard the blind date man s words as this is the end of tonight she.

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Date man although it s not very polite to do so she would rather be scolded than really date a man su ruoxing came to the bathroom in a daze and was about to enter the women s bathroom when suddenly her arms tightened.

Familiar big hands gripped her slender arms joe before su ruoxing could turn his head he he was dragged vigorously by the man to the men s bathroom qiao zhanchen glanced at the men s bathroom confirmed that there was no one.

Want to go in fact she knew that her inability to let go of him was her fault not his fault don t say that he eats other people s food even if he eats other people s saliva even if he connects people s sewers that is.

Still his freedom he was free but he left a pair of shackles on her heart he made her unable to unlock the lock no matter what making her lost interest in any man qiao zhanchen seemed to be shocked by su ruoxing s resentment.

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You want to save me you also said it was an illusion su ruoxing felt that she was not alone I don t have the ability I have a stubborn mouth flow he pressured her with his height su ruoxing straightened her back raised her.

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Children and then become a housewife I can t even take care of your industries at that time with so much property I will definitely hand it over to my current husband without reservation don t you feel bad qiao zhanchen s.

Hehe but the next moment qiao zhanchen gritted his molars and said since I have given you all my property I must give it up no matter how much you prodigal in the future I will not interfere su ruoxing s heart suddenly.

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Specifically contacted qian anran who settled abroad she knew that qian anran had liked qiao zhanchen since she was a child and qian anran s family had long been they immigrated abroad and started businesses abroad now.

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Also the major shareholder the most capable person in the qian family actually liked this little woman who she didn t like at all mr qian really likes to joke su ruoxing laughed in embarrassment rejecting before and after penis growth qian zang in front of.

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Is not an issue now there are so many couples who leave home and everyone is not used to it su ruoxing said while her eyes drifted to qian anran seeing qian anran s expression getting even worse she felt secretly happy qiao.

Zhanchen was her husband originally it wasn t enough for qiao chixuan to take advantage of her how about another qian anran she thought for a moment it s not too much to fight back right thinking of this su ruoxing worked.

Even harder to tease men he blew softly and coquettishly into his ears dear ex husband chen seeing the man s fair and smooth ears turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye su ruoxing felt extremely comfortable qiao.

It to her lips and kissed the back of her hand she still looked doting on her face and spread her dog food like no one else naughty don t talk about milk tea and popcorn even if you want the stars in the sky I will give it.

She really couldn t commit herself to him when su ruoxing saw qiao chixuan and others walking away she let go of qiao zhanchen and distanced herself from him they are all gone professor qiao s acting skills are getting better.

And better perform the play to the end why haven t you left the stage yet can you give up halfway qiao zhanchen said retracting his arms and pulling su ruoxing to his chest before I told you to go to the movies I am a.

Child just go and watch are you afraid but you have to let me tell my date first otherwise it will be too rude although su ruoxing grinned but his back molars were clenched tightly and he felt unhappy if he didn t say.

Harsh words after all I am very optimistic about him he is an honest man and is not easy to cheat I will most likely choose him to be my little star their stepfather qiao zhanchen raised his eyebrows gloatingly it s a pity.

That the man professor su is optimistic about has left long ago su ruoxing she pushed qiao zhanchen away walked over to see and it was true that zhang tulei s cousin had really left the restaurant thinking about it too.

She was very uninterested in hanging out with others for so long su ruoxing followed qiao zhanchen out of the restaurant sit in his passenger seat superior she put on her seat belt looked down and saw a lipstick in the car.

Zhanchen dragged her back it s your seat who are you kidding su ruoxing picked up the lipstick this is qiao chi xuan s or qian anran s a hint of awkwardness flashed across qiao zhanchen s expression yours mine qiao.

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Reluctantly together dabao erbao and xiao xingchen will not approve and you and the children will not be happy in the future su ruoxing choked speechlessly fortunately she was so sentimental that she thought he was still.

In love that s really troublesome for professor qiao to worry about for our mother and son don t worry I will pick you up again tomorrow li find a better man but I hope professor qiao will stop interfering after all I am.

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Speaking qiao zhanchen suddenly stepped on the brakes su ruoxing was hit by the sudden sudden braking causing her whole body to tremble violently qiao zhanchen what happened looking from one side she noticed that the man.

S jawline was tense and he looked like a storm was about to come and he was moving quickly in the closed compartment spread qiao zhanchen roared su ruoxing don t go too far you know he is my twin brother but you want to.

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Is better wu xuerong is bleeding profusely and needs to be urgently save we ll be right there qiao zhanchen immediately turned the steering wheel to turn the car just now he misunderstood that su ruoxing was having an.

Reluctant to let go and she didn t know if this was their last hand the last time we hold hands he will go abroad in the future su ruoxing felt her eyes were sore and qiongxiu s nose was slightly red after she finally.

Calmed down she remembered the business master why didn t you just send wu xuerong to the hospital for emergency treatment because it s inconvenient qiao zhanchen accelerated the speed of the car su ruoxing was puzzled why.

For a month and she was in a hurry to have sex with a man before she recovered therefore when she is having sex with the master she may act too violently causing heavy bleeding the lord is indifferent and beat their.

Quite intense wu xuerong lay on the bed with a dismal expression a thin blanket covering her body her breathing was still shallow not like fainting she should be tired and fast asleep the master on the other hand was.

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Naive su ruoxing threw him a blank eyes yes qiao zhanchen is passionate he is passionate about this woman and also passionate about that woman one of you brothers is passionate and the other is ruthless you should really.

Does not mean that he has no ability to cure diseases and save lives the master curled his lips and teased su ruoxing you are narrow minded I don t care about my woman being seen by qiao zhanchen you are an ex wife what.

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The lord s baby but the lord made a cruel plan to kill their baby with his own hands it s only been less than a month and wu xuerong s scar has healed and she forgot the pain so she hasn t learned her lesson yet miss wu.

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His baby in this life su ruoxing was dumbfounded the room is in such a mess and you still don t feel it if the feeling was stronger wouldn t they still have to go to the house to jiewa miss wu are you too anxious I think.

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Follow your orders su ruoxing can make qiao zhanchen give her all the assets after the divorce qiao zhanchen still took care of her in various ways she must have the secret to make men fall in love with her therefore wu.

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Some reason a bold idea flashed in su ruoxing s mind she wanted to settle the previous accounts as soon as he entered the elevator su ruoxing struggled to get out of the man s arms and jumped to the ground qiao zhanchen.

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Explain once he explains su ruoxing becomes even more annoyed an ran you shouted so affectionately as my ex wife I have been married to professor qiao for more than four years and gave birth to three babies for you have you.

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What s the bad news the bad news is yes the qian family held a family meeting tonight and unanimously decided to recruit professor qiao as his son in law when he was at a low point in his life at any cost su ruoxing the.

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Journalism I also got a degree in psychology so I ended up working on a marriage and love column seeing that su ruoxing hesitated to speak tu yan didn t go around the corner professor su I heard that you and professor.

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Subsided xiao lu what happened lu chengji was excited when he saw su ruoxing professor su I thought I would never see you again qiao chixuan imprisoned you again su ruoxing quickly checked lu chengji s wounds fortunately.

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In depth tu yan once again grabbed su ruoxing and recommended himself su jiao professor why don t you hire me I ll help you and guarantee that you will take down professor qiao and the love will remain the same good this.

Time su ruoxing was tempted qiao zhanchen was innocent and the su family put pressure on her the children also needed him and she had a strong competitor qian anran besides he was disheartened towards her she tried her.

Best but I don t know why it ended up like this ending she couldn t sit still and wait for death any longer your whole team gave me advice money is not a problem okay thank you professor su it s too late today we ll.

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To be discredited is to be discredited yes I will openly accept the blessings from reporters and netizens at that time and wish professor qiao and I a happy remarriage a long life together and a family full of children.

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His head that was bursting in pain and woke up qiao zhanchen frowned and rubbed his temples I usually drink less alcohol but I didn t expect my head to feel so uncomfortable after being drunk suddenly he felt the soft.

Su ruoxing on the bed also opened his eyes she woke up the moment her hair was lifted up she just didn t dare to open her eyes and face qiao zhanchen so she had to continue pretending to sleep lying on the bed su ruoxing.

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