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Zhanchen didn t explain in detail this time he asked the staff to quickly issue a marriage certificate for them and successfully completed the pre marital property notarization the bodyguards reminded again master you must.

The familiar breath su ruoxing stood on tiptoes in high spirits to deepen the kiss but qiao zhanchen had to withdraw su ruoxing I have to go I will call you often telephone don t tell anyone what happened today su ruoxing.

Seemed to say su ruoxing for the sake of the baby s health and safety you are determined not to have sex with anyone during pregnancy including myself this sounds too awkward they just had sex several times the night.

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So I really have a heavy responsibility the marriage certificate is ready su ruoxing silently muttered in her heart that qiao zhanchen did a great job keeping secrets when he came to the civil affairs bureau he even hid it.

Reminded carefully professor su you and professor qiao are remarrying today how about I order a candlelight dinner for you to celebrate candlelight dinner su ruoxing dared to bet that qiao zhanchen didn t have time to eat.

With her at night otherwise he wouldn t have evacuated in such a hurry just now but as she turned her eyes this isn t it a good time to bring bai zhenbo and han yining together after the candlelight dinner was booked qiao.

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Dinner with another woman su ruoxing almost jumped out of her chair in shock when she heard that the person zhang yufu was calling turned out to be qiao zhanchen qiao zhanchen said he had a meeting and didn t have time to have.

Misunderstanding just change a sincere partner su ruoxing s lips showed bitterness today in the civil affairs bureau qiao zhanchen knelt down she was deeply moved by the proposal she made in the blink of an eye he slapped.

Yining is a stylist engaged in film and television makeup disguise is for her pick up okay dress me up as a waiter I m going to see what professor qiao is up to su ruoxing glanced around and found that all the waiters in.

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Liquor su ruoxing s heart tightened suddenly and he hurried forward sir congratulations on being selected as a lucky customer by our restaurant and I will give you a bottle of red wine to cheer you up shall I open the.

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Spread his arms and wrapped them around zhang yufu s slender waist the two people danced slowly in the melodious and emotional music the anger in su ruoxing s chest rushed upwards qiao zhanchen said at the civil affairs.

Almost sticking to his body professor qiao I really want time to pass slowly and stop at this moment zhang yufu was already rubbing he s gone and qiao zhanchen still doesn t push her away su ruoxing s eyes could shoot fire.

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Who else in this world is more capable than him su ruoxing also used the excuse of pouring red wine to come out to see qiao zhanchen as soon as she opened the door the man in front of her came back with a cold air mixed with.

The smell of tobacco does he smoke feeling irritated su ruoxing knew that when qiao zhanchen smoked he would be particularly upset she thought to herself that the phone call probably wasn t good news which was why qiao.

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How can you survive if you don t put it to death qiao zhanchen still closed his eyes tightly my lord s iq is not lower than mine and he will believe that I am dead only if I am really trapped in the sea of fire but he is.

The lord did not become suspicious at all exchanging identities is the most direct way I can think of to get the main force deployed by the lord in huaxia to withdraw therefore qiao zhanchen has been running around the china.

Base of the lord as the lord since last night even though he was so busy that he couldn t even take a few breaths he still took time out of his busy schedule to run to the civil affairs bureau and talk to su ruoxing received.

That he would discover the truth as late as possible therefore it is not yet possible to tell su ruoxing the truth qiao zhanchen thought of the three day little genius at home and a warm current gushed out of his deep black.

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By qiao zhanchen is shockingly real it s like qiao zhanchen himself is close at hand and pleases her in every possible way as soon as a low moan escaped from his throat su ruoxing s lips were blocked again without stopping.

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Won t be with other women all night right tired and unable to get up in fact at this moment it is evening abroad qiao zhanchen stayed up all night last night to accompany su ruoxing when she fell asleep it was dawn on his.

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Quarrel with you every now and then while zhang yufu is gentle and sexy and knows how to tease you so you like zhang yufu s type right I don t like zhang yufu qiao zhanchen really wants to I swear to god but it was a fact.

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T mind if I have a wife and children as my canary she can be someone else s too dirty besides how can any woman in this world be as good as my wife qiao jiao are you kidding me I m telling the truth my wife is unparalleled.

In the world with a kind heart she is also the world s richest woman I don t even have time to hug my thigh how can I be willing to make my wife angry although the two of them were facing each other but qiao zhanchen saw.

Lost contact and can t be found anywhere is he with you xiao chenchen went back last night he is not with us stay overnight su ruo xing then remembered that xiao chenchen hesitated last night and seemed to have said.

Look suspicious no they all wear work id cards they are artificial intelligence engineer at neng biotechnology company su ruoxing thought for a while su xinglie what are you trying to do by tricking them into asking xiao.

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Looked at the disheveled woman blocking the door and laughed angrily her eyes glistened with laughter she hated herself to death in the wechat video qiao zhanchen s sweet words sounded so sincere that she actually believed.

Mistresses at best maybe not even worse than mistresses su ruoxing said pushing the woman away and walking straight in hey why are you like this I didn t even let you in why are you breaking into a house without permission.

Work matters I can help you contact professor qiao su ruoxing s starry eyes narrowed slightly so you are qiao zhanchen s newly recruited secretary cai kexin besides her the only person who can participate in qiao.

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Disgusted with it su ruoxing felt a surge of pain in her throat the smell of blood caused qi and blood to surge throughout his body and he was just about to spurt out a mouthful of old blood qiao zhanchen I heard what you.

Zhanchen s assets into his own hands never imagined su ruoxing who was proud and arrogant saw him having an affair with other women but she was still willing to stay in this marriage it seems that he underestimated su.

Had to wonder if su ruoxing s mind was funny her usual aloofness could it be that she was just pretending at this moment the lord s confidant rushed over big the call with su ruoxing hadn t been hung up yet the lord swept.

That my wife had notarized her property before marriage notarization of property before marriage the lord s handsome face quickly became cloudy he was careless he always thought that su ruoxing was very noble and disdained to.

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Danger suppressing the anger in her heart she turned to the topic qiao zhanchen why did you destroy xiaochenchen as an artificial intelligence xiaochenchen has a great hidden danger of harming society so it must be.

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intelligence in our company will be denied qiao zhanchen do you know what you are doing it is because we have to be responsible to the public that.

Ruoxing to come the last time I came to a meeting speaking of it the time interval was only a month no one stopped her last time but this time she was so strict su ruoxing simply revealed his identity my name is su.

Assistant su ruoxing fully thought that bai zhenbo would definitely support her but she didn t thinking of it bai zhenbo was also in a dilemma mr su professor qiao has ordered that you not be allowed to come to the.

Company for the time being su ruoxing was speechless and choked qiao zhanchen actually openly stopped her from saving xiao chenchen and even bai zhenbo chose to obey qiao zhanchen is it true that professor qiao wants to.

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Widened in surprise you are the boss why can t you get in it s hard to say su ruoxing smiled bitterly this is probably the funniest joke in the world as a boss he was forbidden to step in and no one would believe him when.

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Looked more similar just by looking at her eyes and hairstyle xiao han your makeup skills should be very outstanding in the industry where can I get a job according to your skills the position should not be low right.

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A shareholder dong if you want to promote an employee it should not be difficult to achieve okay mr su what s the name of the makeup artist mr su wants to promote and what position do you want su ruoxing thought for a.

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Fashion if you need me to contribute just ask okay mr su I will contact the president of huamei immediately to discuss it wait su ruoxing found that when she was on the phone with bai zhenbo han yining was staring at her.

That bai zhenbo also has a new love the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked it s all qiao zhanchen s fault mr su was there any accident in the company last night there was no accident I just asked.

Been how uncomfortable would it be for a man to eat it and turn it into a powerful force that can be used on another woman su ruoxing couldn t bear to tell han yining that bai zhenbo didn t work overtime last night xiao han.

Get the first place I promise that even if I can t give you the position of huamei fashion styling director the position of deputy director must be yours wow the boss is so awesome cai ke is patient and patient I couldn t.

About to walk to the elevator but she saw bai zhenbo coming out of the elevator su ruoxing quickly stepped aside trying not to attract bai zhenbo s attention just when she was hoping that bai zhenbo would go away soon a.

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Leave before coming out from the corner bai zhenbo wants to blend into the circle of colleagues promised to celebrate my colleague s birthday together there is nothing wrong with it what s more a group is going to join in.

Artificial intelligence simulations some groups focus on developing the functions of male simulators some groups focus on children simulators and some groups focus on female simulators and male and female simulators are.

Team leader guo I heard that the spokesperson of our company is the same model of professor qiao he is very handsome unfortunately I just came here and didn t have a chance to see him you mean xiao chenchen right he is.

Invulnerable su ruoxing pretended to be surprised the company clearly issued an order to destroy xiao chenchen destroy how can it be guo qiuyue was no less shocked than su ruoxing was when she heard the news you are.

You not know why don t we confirm it with Ultra Cbd Gummies purekana cbd gummies and diabetes other departments even if it is destroyed we still need to know the reason so as not to have the same shortcomings in the simulated people you customize later under su ruoxing s.

Important little chenchen for no reason guo qiuyue asked for a long time but couldn t find out where the little chenchen was if there is any serious loophole I can t help but get anxious the engineer approached guo qiuyue.

Destroy the little chenchen he customized and developed xiao chenchen cost tens of millions of dollars although the engineer and guo qiuyue were whispering to each other su ruoxing had good hearing and listened to everything.

With xiao chenchen su ruoxing s eyes turned and he simply passed on the imperial decree professor qiao still needs to consider how to deal with xiao chenchen let me inform you that xiao chenchen s signal will not be cut off.

For the time being wait for the notification okay we will arrange it the engineer didn t doubt it su ruoxing s trip was not in vain so she decided to go back and find xiao chenchen first just when su ruoxing turned to.

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