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She slapped her face qiao zhanchen did not stand and get beaten this time he easily controlled both of the woman s hands he grabbed the woman s hands with his big delicate white palms pulled them up hard and pulled her her.

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Are filled with surging emotions after a few seconds of confrontation with sharp eyes qiao zhanchen spoke first m su ruoxing is it because I pet you that you can do whatever you want heh professor qiao pampers me in this.

Way su ruoxing stared the collar of the man s shirt the eye circles are pierced by the bright red lipstick yes sometimes you are really good to me making me think that I am held in your hands but why were you so ruthless.

Which life was the blessing obtained ah I am really lucky qiao zhanchen s eyes were so dark that he could see ink my woman gave birth to triplets but she has been concealing and deceiving if it weren t for erbao s childlike.

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Ruoxing closed her eyes in annoyance did she want to break up can t communicate qiao zhanchen even if you feel wronged and unhappy you shouldn t lie to me you said you were having surgery tonight I believed it and I didn t.

Words let you taste what it feels like to be betrayed lingered in my mind how will he get back at her should he suddenly pull away when she was compromising under his body and was in a state of confusion demonstrating to.

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Become my qian s fianc e please you treat her with courtesy su ruoxing was dumbfounded mr qianyou misunderstoodi m already married married before she finished speaking her jaw clenched and she was tightly pinched by the man.

Your su family will never have an heir what su ruoxing s pupils tightened it turned out that her father had not allowed her to tell the truth about the child because he had already expected that once the truth was revealed.

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Rough breathing came su ruoxing s body lightened he was picked up by the man s strong arms as his tall body enveloped her she tightly closed her eyes crystal tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes and seeped into.

Irresistible force it devoured and plundered her domineering and strong su ruoxing was out of breath from being plundered and all the muscles in his body were tense like a fully drawn bow resistance is written all over his.

Pursed a dangerous arc su ruoxing are you really that wronged by me as he spoke his big palm covered her heart there even one of his palms could barely grasp it su ruoxing dare you say that you don t feel it heh your body.

Uncle s fianc e are you really good at it and you actually want to be my aunt uncle the qian family with you su ruoxing closed her eyes in annoyance why didn t she think qiao zhanchen s mother s surname is qian so they.

Instinctively trying to get rid of the man s bite qiao zhanchen raised his head su ruoxing you finally can t hold it anymore I m not su ruoxing s breath was choked his handsome face was so red it could bleed the man at this.

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Qian family she had no way to deal with him she suddenly remembered what xiao xingchen said the master and qiao zhanchen looked exactly the same a bold hypothesis came to her mind qiao could zhan chen and dazhu be twins.

Zhanchen s biological father is not qiao chengwang but the master s father su ruoxing s spine felt chills if this this hypothesis is established that is to say when qian qinyin was young he was not only willful but also.

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Me the rabbit will bite people when it is in a hurry don t blame me for uncovering your unknown fig leaf the lord curled his lips evilly even if you have brains you are the first person who can threaten me su ruoxing was.

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Said it but now that she has to make room for qian qinyin in this world how can there be such a cheap thing lu yaning clenched her fists with a hint of malice on her face qian qinyin this is you forced me in the banquet.

Hall mr qian was about to go back and qian zang quickly sent an invitation to su ruoxing professor su my father is going back do you think it is convenient to go back with us give my father a diagnosis and treatment it s.

Too late today I will visit mr qian at your mansion tomorrow su ruoxing didn t refuse because she wanted to take the opportunity to go to qian s house to find out the truth if qian zang if you collude with the lord then it.

Is estimated that the lord will take action soon su ruoxing originally attended the banquet because she wanted to talk to qian yanan about the matter but she searched and couldn t find qian yanan so she had to give up.

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Zhanchen if he is seen like this he will indeed become a laughing stock anytime and anywhere okay take it off and I ll help you take a look the street lights in the back garden of the hotel are very dim su ruoxing asked qiao.

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Collapsed ah help a hole appeared at su ruoxing s feet and she fell down hold me qiao zhanchen hastily reached out to grab the woman but one step too late su ruoxing had already slid to the bottom of the cave the fine sand.

Man s voice I ll come down too qiao zhanchen ignored his body feeling the pain he jumped and slid into the bottom of the cave su ruoxing don t be afraid as long as I m here nothing will happen who is scared su ruoxing.

Bottom of the cave qiao zhanchen also fell to the bottom of the cave with a bang fortunately the cave was full of fine sand he no bones were broken he patted the fine sand on su ruoxing s body and suddenly smiled charmingly.

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Hotel has just finished construction and there are still some residual sand that has not been processed the two people lay on their backs on the sand just in time to see the scattered stars in the sky then let s just treat.

The man s thin lips and warned seriously professor qiao don t try to seduce me or give up any of your desires in a place like this I have no thoughts about you and it has nothing to do with romance I am wronged qiao.

As she finished speaking qiao zhanchen buried his handsome face into her neck without mercy and his voice was hoarse and sexy su ruoxing your necklace is touching me su ruoxing didn t know whether to laugh or cry when.

Spoke a touch of light appeared in qiao zhanchen s hand shiny even though the light in the cave was extremely weak su ruoxing was still amazed what qiao zhanchen holds in his hand is a diamond necklace with very complex.

Workmanship yet fresh and refined remember from now on you can only wear the necklace given by your husband qiao zhanchen put the necklace on su ruoxing s swan neck touching the expensive necklace around her neck su ruoxing.

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Face was tightly sealed he wanted to release all his anger into the passionate kiss su ruoxing turned her face away resisting being intimate with the man qiao zhanchen I have to be careful about giving birth to a baby.

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When the man behind her turned over he hugged her from behind his strong chest pressed against her slender back and he hugged her tightly although two everyone s body was covered with sand and it was uncomfortable but it.

Looked very happy su ruoxing choked unconsciously feeling that the whole world was gray and without light baby are you having a nightmare don t cry don t cry I m here don t be afraid the familiar voice entered the.

Mention how happy they are you re crying so hard just because of this dream joe zhan chen was amused and pampered the woman s small nose don t worry my baby I won t let ordinary women be born even if I am willing your.

Investigate the woman last night finally with the hotel staff in place su ruoxing and qiao zhanchen were rescued from the cave hotel manager versus qiao zhanchen he apologized to su ruoxing in various ways su ruoxing was.

Thinking about the pregnant woman so she went straight to the point manager please help us get the monitoring of the back garden last night the manager looked distressed the infrastructure of the back garden has not been.

Completely completed and the monitoring has not been installed yet su ruoxing found out qiao zhanchen s golden mask pretending to be the master last night is gone I clearly see your golden face the tool fell on the edge of.

T want him to come in but after experiencing the nightmare when su ruoxing thought that a man s heart belonged to someone else her despair and helplessness sadness and hysteria would make her collapse in minutes su ruoxing.

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To cooperate with him I heard that the woman is really pregnant and there are pregnancy test reports and paternity test reports why are you not nervous at all this time are you not afraid that professor qiao will be snatched.

Once he plans to make a mistake in the future he will have some scruples and overcome the inner demon of wanting to make a mistake high ruoxing your understanding is really high wu muchi gave a thumbs up so you don t plan.

To intervene and let professor qiao solve it by himself will it affect his reputation after all professor qiao s reputation was originally very good I suggest to let the mother in law solve it so that the mother in law can.

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Company making trouble professor qiao my mother why would you join in the fun at this time su ruoxing quickly picked up the bag and said let s go to the company quickly I feel that mrs wu may have been instigated now the.

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Head don t look at my professor qiao being gentle and gentle he is also very creepy when he is ruthless of if she dares to wrongly accuse professor qiao the end will definitely be bad wu mushi didn t want to hit su ruoxing.

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Brothers qiao lixuan has already appeared so qiao zhanchen should also come over right qiao lixuan stood in front of su ruoxing who was disguised as a man and looked down at her from above he pursed his lips in disdain.

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Considered a hero seduce other people s wives who do you think you are you still have the nerve to talk I m going to beat your pretty face to pieces today and see how you can seduce women the bodyguards fists were as big as.

Qiao lixuan you are not allowed to hit her if you dare to touch a hair on her head you and I are incompatible m su ruoxing held her forehead the more she protected her boyfriend the more it will anger qiao lixuan sure.

She take a punch from qiao lixuan wait until he finishes beating her and calms down then look at him again what will be her attitude towards wu mushi seeing that qiao lixuan s fist was about to be punched out wu muchi couldn.

Finally appeared his tall aura figure in the crowd stands out from the crowd qiao zhanchen s deep eyes glanced at su ruoxing and he couldn t help but curl his lips su ruoxing you are a mother of three children and you.

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And sisters the flesh and blood of the qiao family will not be allowed to live outside don t worry if you are pregnant with the qiao family s child you and li xuan will remarry immediately who knows qiao zhanchen s as soon.

And blood of the qiao family wander outside you will marry me right seeing qiao zhanchen being raped by wu xuerong hugging the smile on su ruoxing s face froze she was about to pull wu xuerong away but qiao zhan chen had.

Already made the first move he grabbed wu xuerong s collar and lifted her up in disgust like a chicken with a faint anger floating in his eyes second miss wu please respect yourself you and I have only met each other once.

So why are we talking about marriage the reason why we didn t ask the security guards to invite a few of them out directly is because our qiao and wu families were once in laws qiao zhanchen said let her go on the ground he.

Knows how could wu xuerong act so well seeing qiao zhanchen being so alienated from her wu xuerong felt aggrieved with tears in her eyes professor qiao that s not what you said at the time you said you regretted meeting me.

Almost four years old and he has never said such love words professor qiao is not the kind of person who just opens his mouth and says nice things man wu xuerong was even more aggrieved she heard what qiao zhanchen said with.

Her own ears can there be a lie su ruoxing it s because he doesn t like you enough so he doesn t want to tell you he clearly told me and I remember every word clearly a man can only be so sweet to the person he likes su.

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