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Happened none of it happened mushi maybe this is also an oolong incident qiao chixuan likes to do this kind of thing let s give him a chance to explain after mr qiao wakes up live her his tough body was pressed against the.

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Her fingers with him professor qiao you care about me so much why didn t you tell me earlier this kind of thing can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words qiao zhanchen s slender fingers scratched the tip of.

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Long and will return soon go to the embrace of the motherland and continue to serve the motherland so should she let go of the three year contract he asked for will you agree zhang yufu was angry and annoyed when he saw.

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At least twenty years hateful I m going to settle the score with the great master when I think of my mother the past few years had been a blur of inhumane life and su ruoxing was trembling with rage qiao zhanchen quickly.

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Herself a bad breath and by the way helped lu s mother now he has the dream of letting his son become the son in law of a wealthy family just then the lord rushed to the mental hospital he called where is it the chairman s.

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Kicked open the office door sight falls on the sofa qiao zhanchen felt a sting in his eyes su ruoxing and the lord were huddled together on the sofa one is on the top and the other is on the bottom the most important thing.

Alive jump the taller and heavier man was jumping around and she couldn t move away at all and she was afraid that if she moved too much she would wake him up qiao zhanchen stepped forward quickly and moved the master.

Away what s going on I m repaying the person in the same way su ruoxing said picked up the incense and put out the fire I deliberately coax the master to stun him and then implant a microchip under his skin for.

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