2018 零時政府高峰會 #31 Data for social good: what’s the right formula?

R0 Oct 5 11:30 – 12:30 @ Taipei Academia Sinica

Data for Social Good refers to the applications of data science to address problems related to the social good. On the global scale, the United Nations applies data science to reach its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while on the national level, governments take the same approach to make better policies and improve public services. How do you go from ideas to outcomes? How long does a project take? What are the secret ingredients for success? Are there any common pitfall? How to build public-private partnership and trust? Is there life after project completion? This panel will explore these practical topics.

D4SG (Data for Social Good),是將資料科學運用在解決社會問題以促進社會公益。在國際上,聯合國已將資料科學運用在追求「永續發展目標」;在國家的層級上,各國政府同樣使用資料來提出更好的政策並改善公共服務。但我們要如何從理念走向成果?一個基於資料的專案需要費時多長?成功的祕訣又是什麼?由資料來制定政策是否有共通的問題?如何搭起公私協力與信任?在專案結束後,資料還有生命嗎?這場議程將探討以上這些問題。

> 延伸閱讀:關於 g0v Summit 2018

> 傳送門

Start Time


星期四, 4 10 月, 2018

Finish Time


星期四, 4 10 月, 2018


中研院 人文社會科學館

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